Chapter 6: My mom says hi

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I wake up with the TV screen glowing throughout the room, my head rests on V's shoulder who was also sleeping. I pick my head up, stretch and finally stand up, I shake V and he wakes with a shock. 

* Sorry Taehyung, didn't mean to scare you. I'm going to bed, you should probably do the same.* He blinks his eye a few times before looking up at me, * okey dokey!* he jumps up, *good night Emmy,* and walks to his room. I smile at the nickname he gave me. 

I turn off the TV,  lock the door, and walk to throughout the dorms to see who is still awake. After making my rounds, i head back to the bedroom to find Namjoon watching  공부의 신 or Master of Study on his laptop. I crawl into bed next him and read my book. A chuckle occasionally coming from Namjoon makes me lose focus on my page, so i put the book down and stare at my boyfriend. I get an idea and climb off the bed and run to my dresser to grab something. After sitting back down on the bed, i get closer to Namjoon and nonchalantly put a chandelier earring in his ear piercing and then put the other in. I sit back giggling at my work as he looks over at me, earrings swinging at the sudden movement. 

*자기야 (jagiya)?* i hum in response, * do i at least look pretty with these earrings in?* 

i laugh, * you are the belle of the ball, my beautiful girlfriend.* i say before continuing laughing. He shakes his head feeling the earrings hit his neck, i pull out my phone to take a picture.  

He stops suddenly, *Don't you dare!* he points at me.

"aw please one picture. i won't show anybody." i beg. I use English because it can make him all mushy. He sighs in defeat and i just laugh. I snap a picture as he poses and I lean over to plant a peck on his plump lips. 

After a while, I cuddle up next to Namjoon to watch the drama with him. I've watched all the episodes before, but i don't mind watching it again. Since we're both  nerds, we can relate to all the stress the kids put in for their tests so we enjoy it. I remember that I need to upload a video tomorrow on my channel, but first i need a video idea. 

I rack my brain until it hits me, * hey Jonnie, do you want to do a video with me tomorrow?* i say hopefully. 

*uh sure baby, what kind of video do you want to do?* I smile, *how about 'my boyfriend does my makeup' video?* He groans but eventually agrees. 

I hug him and give him another kiss, *thanks baby you're the best!* He just chuckles and gives me another kiss. We snuggle back together and continue watching for a couple hours. 

Eventually we decide to call it a night and go to sleep. Since tomorrow is Monday, I have to head into the office in the morning. I set my alarm after brushing my teeth and crawl into bed for the last time of the night. Namjoon wraps his arms around my waist as I put my face in the crook of his neck, just as we are about to sleep, my phone rings. 

"are you kidding me?" i groan and roll over. *안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) * 

"Emily?" a comforting voice comes from the other end. 

" hi mom! how are you?" 

" I'm well, my dear. What are you up to?" 

i chuckle, "Well considering its 1 AM. I was about to go to sleep." 

"Oh I'm so sorry Em. I always forget how ridiculous our time difference is." she responds apologetically. 

"No worries mom. How about I call you back in a few hours? Around a quarter to 9 am KST. so mid evening Chicago time, Okay?" 

"That will be perfect. We miss you. talk to you later." 

I sigh, "i miss you guys too. I love you." 

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