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I guess I would say that I was Olivia's closest friend, well, her only friend. I didn't actually know her well but we talked. Not in public though. I still have a reputation to uphold. Everyone knows that I'm going to run for mayor one day so I need good relations. I thought Olivia was a good relation too. 

It was two months in when I found her in the library crying in a corner. At first I thought that she deserved it because of all the rumors I heard. That's right, rumors. Pretty much everything that comes out of Trish's mouth is a pile of bullshit. But she's the most popular girl in school so I need to be on her good side if I ever need help swaying the votes. Connections are always good. That's what my father taught me. He's one of the best lawyers in the state of Arizona.

So being the clear-minded girl that I am, I looked around to see if the room was empty before walking towards her. "What did you do this time?" I asked her. 

She looked up at me, eyes red from crying, "What did I do in the first place?" she replied. That got me. I usually have an answer for everything. I should have an answer to everything but I couldn't think of one. We started talking more and more and I learned that she was a regular human being like the rest of us. We talked but that doesn't necassarily mean that we were friends.

Once I was debating with the Anmesty leader about public relations, we didn't have that many, when Olivia ran up to me. She was carrying a pile of books and had a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. Me, on the otherhand couldn't be more horrified. I never thought that she would have the nerve to do anything that brash.

"So are we still going to the mall on Friday?" she asked. It's true that  we made plans to go to the mall, in a meighboring city of course, but it wasn never meant to be public. The hall was quiet, everyone was waiting for me to answer. Eyes glaring at me, telling me to say she's wrong. It was a mistake. And I did. 

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone else, Ophelia." Everyone snickered.

"Why would anyone hang out with some fat cow like you?" someone yells. Tears well up in her eyes and she turns to me.

"It's Olivia, and we did make plans. You know it, I know it. Why won't you back me up?" for a second my eyes flicker to the crowd but that's all she need to know. "Because we're in public. Of course you don't want to be seen with me."

"Why would she even associate herself with someone like you?" Trish sneers. I didn't even notice she was there. "You're lucky you're even looked at here and that's just because your dad's the principal. Nobody wants to be friends with a snotty little Bratt." she said spitting out the last word like a curse. Dramatic as she is, she walks away, bumping her shoulder into Olivia making her drop all the books she was carrying.

"I guess I know where I stand." she muttered under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear. I might have winced or showed some form of hurt when she said that but I lost my feelings of compassion years ago. After all, how would they help me win an election? They would just get in the way. 

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