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Only the second day and so much math homework D:

Plus some of the stuff he forgot to 'teach' us so that's just great. Lucky for you, I needed a break and came up with this :D


No, for the last time, I don't know where she got the gun or how she knew what a Armalite was and how she got the money for it. Did you expect me to follow her around and sniff her and go 'Hey that's so suspicious! I think she's hiding a semiautomatic rifle under her bed!'

Yes I am aware that Olivia was my sister. You don't think I'm being sympathetic enough for what she did? Hell I have to live with it for the rest of my life! Before it was just 'he's the brother with the snobby sister' but now it's gonna be 'shit, what's wrong with that guy if he's been living with a psycho killer for all his life?' 

You don't think I'm beating myself up about it? I am you fucking sadist! This is the way that I deal with the shit going on in my life so get over it! You want to know about my family huh? Well screw you! You can't hold me here forever. What? You can't charge me with that! There's no proof! Wait, seriously? You'd take Tyson's word over mine? He's just a wannabe nerd that fails at everything. That's why he tries to talk in big words even though he somewhat knows the meaning of them. 

Fine! You really want to know what's going on in that house? Shit. Everything went downhill when we moved here. Me and Liv used to go to a private school in California. They always pushed us in everything until we were dead or champions. Usually the latter. I'd say we were pretty close at school for siblings. Most of them there kept trying to beat the other but we were chill. Both of us had decent amount of friends and grades, parents had steady jobs, everything was awesome.

But Dad's always been a big dreamer so of course we had to move when the position of principal opened up. He's a chemistry teacher but he loves making everyone his bitch. It was tolerable in California since he was always too busy grading papers and handing out detentions to actually harass us but here, it's his new hobby. 

Before the move Liv was always 'Daddy's little girl'. He gave her everything she wanted and treated me and Mom like we were invisible. We weren't worth his time and effort but Little Livvy was. But after he stepped into that school, something changed. It wasn't just the rumors and the different atmosphere, it was something else. Most likely his ambition. 

It was really dumb if you ask me. They all hated him since he wasn't Harris. For the first month nobody listened to him at all and only half the school population actually showed up to class. In the beginning, both me and Olivia were the outcasts but after she pissed off Trish, it was like a sniper team zeroed in on her. 

They all had their fun beating on her and trying to make her fail. Actually that was the only reason the other half came back to school. To watch someone else suffer. I know I should've done something about it but- shit, I feel so fucked up right now. The reason why I didn't do anything about it for years is because of Dad.

He realized that if he pretended that nothing bad was happening to his daughter, everything was fine and his students would love him for it. To them, he was chill, not the God he imagined he would be. And to her, he was Satan. He was supposed to take her side and protect her, and instead he shut her out. It was horrible for her and I do, truly, feel terrible about it. But to me, he finally became a Dad. 

When he figured out that they all hated Olivia, he started focusing more on me. It was nice to have the tables turned for a bit. I had the attention and she was shoved into the corner. He always took me out to movies, games, and let me do whatever I wanted. I was so damn blinded by his attention that I didn't even see the bruises that started to appear on Mom and Liv until last month. 


I really want to blame Dad for everything that happened. Anyone in my situation would. He ignored her and let all that shit happen. But so did I. I was worse. So I can't blame him. . . . . I just can't. 

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