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I dedicate chapters to those who comment and vote or if you're just nice and talk to me :D


I guess you're wondering why Olivia keeps getting bullied when her father's the principal right? It's simple. Because the fuckwad doesn't care. I might not have known her that well but I know enough about him to know that she had a shitty life. Let me start at the beginning, is that cool? I'll take that as a yes. When me and my sister moved here six years ago for me to start junior high school somewhere new, we were lucky enough to live next to the nicest man in town, Mr. Harris.

I remember that first summer where I was just tossing the ball to myself (I was a sad little kid, I know.) on the front lawn because I couldn't find anyone to play with(Forever alone :( ). I tossed the ball a bit too high and it landed in his yard. But obviously I know how to throw now. Really well. Varsity basketball and baseball you know. Just putting that out there. Hmm? Right! I didn't meet him yet and since I just watched that movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers(you know, the neighbors being all aliens and shit?) so it was etched into my brain, I didn't plan to. Pffttt. I think I stood there just staring at his house for about ten minutes before thinking that the best plan would be to leave it. But just as I was walking back towards my house, his front door swung open.

You see, there was a row of bushes that divided our lawns and I was less than four feet at the time, yes I was a short kid, I couldn't see anything. So to me the door just swung open and closed by itself. I freaked out because I thought the house was haunted and our neighbor was a ghost. What? Can you blame me? I was only ten.

Anyways, I started running toward my new house when my foot slipped into a hole. When I looked at my foot, it was twisted in a weird way. Now that freaked me out even more. At that point I didn't care if there was a monster next door, I started to cry. Scream! I mean scream. I did not admit to crying so shut it. 

"Are you okay?" someone asked me. I stopped and looked up. Well, not as high as I usually have to. (I'm gloating for my younger self.)

I wasn't great with people back then so I started crying again. (Okay maybe I was a bit of a cry baby back then but don't judge me. That was six years ago and I'm over that shit.) I don't really remember what happened next but the gist of it was that he took me to the hospital and had someone find my parents. They were so worried, especially Kiera. She has this weird sister gene that tells her that I'm hurt so she knew something was wrong.

It's pretty cool actually. Once at this party, fuck, was it two years ago? Maybe. Anyways that was one of the best nights of my life. Don't remember much of it but the next day people were cheering for me about something so I must've done something real sick. So I woke up the next day with a killer headache and there's someone in my face holding an ice-pack to my head. Apparently I was flirting with some stoner's girl and the guy was about to beat the crap out of me but then Kiera swoops out of nowhere just before he takes a swing. Yeah, I probably looked like a total pussy needing my sister to save me and all that but hey, at least I know she's got my back. And I got hers. What'd you say? Thanks man. Back to the original story.

A few days later I was sent home with a cast. I stayed in the house as much as I could but my parents insisted that I go over to his house and thank him. I was a stubborn ass kid back then(Kiera says I'm worse now but she lies now and then) so it took me three weeks to go there but I finally did. (Better late than never right?) Kiera came with me because I wouldn't go by myself. Even after what happened I was still convinced that it was a ghost living next door. (It was a long time ago, I'm not that paranoid now.)

Kiera knocked the door for me. A few seconds later it opened revealing the man who helped me. "Hello," Kiera said with a bright smile, she was always social like that. "My name is Kiera and this is my brother Ryan."

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