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Usually I sit in the cafeteria with my associates. I don't call them my friends because they aren't. Let's face it, in the business industry, or any industry nobody has friends. The socializers are at the bottom of the food chain and I have my eyes on the zenith. They are my future council that will help this city progress, and no one else.

Trish surprised me one day by walking over and slapping her bowl of salad next to mine. It's a pity that she eats the same thing every day. And to think that I thought she was an intelligent being. She should know by now that iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value whatsoever yet she insists on getting it every time. People and their crazy diets.

"So when did you and Olivia become so chummy?," I sighed. I knew this day would come. It was three weeks since the incident and she's kept me at an arm's length. People were wondering what was happening to us. They knew we had a plan. She would use her popularity to help me become mayor and in return, I would help her with any financial issues within my power and the law. One thing you should know is that I would never bend the law no matter how much trouble I'm in. The law will always be above us. My father taught me that.

"Please don't mention that ever again." I replied. "It was just a mishap."

"Oh no. You're not getting off that easily Stephie." She sneered. Internally I was cringing from that name. Only my mother called me that. But now she's gone. I'm not saying anything more than that so don't even try. I've known my rights ever since I could walk. Another thing my father taught me. Knowing your rights can help you out in any situation. 

"Why the hell did that brat think that she had any chance at all asking you to hang out with her?" Trish was seething. If the cafeteria was quiet enough, well most of the conversations died down after she started to talk, you could probably hear the sound of her teeth grinding. It is hard to imagine but she was saying all of that with a smile on her face which worries me. Trish can be terrifying sometimes but I'm never telling her that. Never let your opponent see your weaknesses. That one was a lesson I learned all on my own. 

"It was a social experiment." I stated blankly. Partial truth, and certainly plausible. I love experimenting and finding new ways to improve my chances of becoming mayor. It's not like there's any real competition against me anyways. Unless you count Trish of course. But she isn't really mayor material. Sure she's smart enough for the position but she gets belligerent much too easily and the fact that she can be distracted by a sparkly ring is intolerable. Honestly, I don't think there is any competition.

"A social experiment?" she repeated. Trish narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously, looking for a flinch or a cough or any sign of lying. But that was futile since we both obviously know that I don't reveal anything if I don't want to. 

"Yes, I was wondering what would happen if I were to socialize with an outcast. Every vote counts you know." I shrugged. Or maybe I was tired of listening to you whining about how great your life would be if she was gone and how 'Olivia the Brat' ruins everything. 

"Yeah, and you know that you won't get anywhere in life without me so quit your little experiment now. I don't even want to look at you right now. Seriously, I can almost feel her grossness oozing off onto you." she shuddered, which I thought was a bit overdramatic even by Trish standards. 

"Don't worry about it Patricia," I'm glad that I know how to use names against her too. I guess our parents had a little get together before we were born to see how many horrible nicknames they could give their children so they could tease each other later in life. Or we were just really unfortunate. Either way, I needed to get on her good side again.

"It was nothing. You were spot on about Ollie." We both snickered at the nickname that we gave her. I did mostly for her benefit. "She's a horrible companion and I wish that I never even talked to her. I didn't know that people could be so repulsive." 

"Well, as long as you know how wrong that was and is," her nose wrinkled in disgust, "I guess you're okay with me again."

I was glad that we were allies again. All conversations resumed as normal as it was before and everything seemed fine to me. I felt this twinge in my stomach while I was eating though. I wouldn't call it guilt because there was nothing to be ashamed about. It was really unpleasant though so I left to go to the nurse just in case. I don't think she really likes me much since I go there 'more often than I should'. Her words, not mine. But as I turned around, I realized why I felt so funny. Olivia was standing at the entrance to the cafeteria and she heard every word I said. 

Ha! As promised, I updated! Finally! You  can thank Elizaema for that :) With school going on and for some reason the teachers decided to band together and send out project after project, I forgot I had a Wattpad. But now I'm back and I hope I'll finish this story soon. Bye!

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