Chapter 7: Fuckin' Crazy

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What I was about to do was just fucking crazy, maybe as crazy as when Gerard cut his face in front of me. Not that I thought Gerard was crazy. He had his reasons, and he could tell me any time. Maybe he'll tell me once I've done this.

My entire therapy session I was shifting uncomfortably and coming up with more useless shit to talk about to avoid the classic "Is there anything else you'd like to talk about before you leave, Iero?" statement any counselor ever was required to say.

"...So yeah, I think it'd be great if that blue haired kid got his teeth fixed." I finished with my hands resting on my lap. She said her classic counselor statement and I cleared my throat.

"Weeelll," I began, surprising her with actually having something else to discuss. I acted as a secret spy and dramatically looked both ways to check if anyone was listening. I made my point by leaning in closer on her desk and whispering, "There is one thing I feel I should report."

She fixed her glasses and looked at me in false curiosity. She could give a rat's ass about prison drama, she was probably thinking of her dogs back home. Or at least I was.

"Do you know Gerard Way?"

"Everyone knows Gerard," she smiled a little. Her name was Mindy. Mindy was an alright counselor, she'd probably be better if I ever attempted to talk about anything real with her.

I nodded. "Well, the whole incident with him. He didn't do it himself," I looked into her eyes with all seriousness and tried to appear more truthful. "I saw Bert Mccracken do it to him in the bathroom. Dude's fuckin' crazy."

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