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"She should wake soon. I feel her wolf stirring." 

I guessed I had died and gone to heaven, because the deep voice that rumbled those two sentences had chills running down my spine all the way down to my toes. I'd never dreamed just the sound of someone's voice could be so attractive, but this angel had definitely proved that wrong. 

Everything was dark, I couldn't see. I was probably blind. Jessica probably killed me and ripped my eyes out or something creepy like that. I could see her doing it. She just seemed like the type. I hated Jessica. If I was really dead I was definitely going back and haunting her. 

"Tell us everything that happened." I heard my father ask the beautiful voiced stranger. 

My father was here. I wasn't dead. I had remembered arms catching me before I could hit the dirt again. The wolf who saved me must be the beautiful voiced stranger. He must have brought me home after Jessica attacked me. 

"I'd like to share my story when your alpha arrives if that's alright, I don't like repeating myself if it isn't necessary." There went those damn chills again. Maybe I had hypothermia, yeah, that's it. 

I heard the front door open then and I realized we must be in the living room, I was laid across the couch, blankets piled on top of me. The scent made me feel safe, the familiar feel of the couch underneath me. 

"Where is she? Is she alright? Who did this to her?" I heard Ty growl out and moments later he was by my side, his hand finding mine underneath the blankets and squeezing tightly. "Why isn't she awake yet?" 

I heard a growl from the other side of the room and moments later Ty's hand was ripped from mine as my father chuckled. I wanted to punch him for chuckling. 

The front door opened again and I heard two pairs of feet shuffle in. I assumed it was the Alpha and Luna coming to get the strangers account of what happened so he could be on his way. 

"Ah, Alpha Lithe, thank you for staying around so we could take justice on who's harmed our beta's daughter." I heard Alpha Shelton's voice radiate around the room. 

Alpha Lithe was the Alpha of the pack that neighbored us, the biggest pack in North America. He must be the stranger with the beautiful voice. Great, I had a crush on the voice of the most powerful Alpha in the states. 

"I didn't do it for your pack. I did it for the girl." I heard Alpha Lithe rumble. "I was running rounds when I saw an auburn wolf struggling to hold something under the water. I was going to ignore it, but my wolf insisted I check it out. When I realized she was trying to drown the little golden wolf something snapped and I had to intervene. Now I realize why." 

My eyes fluttered open then and I took in my surroundings. I saw my Alpha and Luna standing next to my parents across the living room, Ty close to his father. I looked up and into the back of a mountain of a man. He was at least 6'5 with a broad, thick chest that screamed masculinity. He looked like he was all muscle if his chiseled back was any indication of that. I realized then that he wasn't wearing a shirt because he had given me his. I sniffed the shirt curiously and found it a mix of earth and peppermints and it made my wolf happy, she wanted to roll around in the scent for hours. 

All eyes focused on me then, and the man turned around, his blue eyes locking with my own as Ty stormed from the house. I didn't understand why until fingertips brushed hair from my face, caressing my skin delicately. I thought someone had set me on fire with what one little brush of his fingertips did to me. A pulse of electricity flowed between us, making me feel safe, like his arms were my home. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into this strangers arms and stay there for the rest of my life. 

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