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Colton's POV

Electricity was dancing through my veins, my muscles, and especially my heart as the little blonde angel slept peacefully against my chest. I had waited so long to find her, and all the visions I had concocted of what my mate would be like did no justice to India.

She was beautiful. Her blonde hair hung down her back in cascading curls that I wanted to run my fingers through every morning for the rest of my life, her blue eyes bright with life. She had me smiling more in the past 24 hours I'd known her than I had in the past 3 years. Her body was tight, her hips giving her that hourglass figure that drove me wild. Her scent had my wolf in overdrive, the peaches and cream intoxicating aroma making my mouth water each time I inhaled, my wolf getting drunk on her. I knew she'd make a great luna the moment we rolled into pack lands. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that she bolted from the truck to save Kyle without even knowing him. She showed compassion in helping him, and it made our wolf proud.

I looked down at her sleeping form, her head nestled on my chest as her hair splayed around her, her leg draped unconsciously over me as if she were staking her claim in her sleep. My wolf was practically purring in content with finally having his mate here in his arms after waiting for so long.

It was partially my fault. In the beginning, I hadn't wanted a mate. I didn't go looking for her like I should have, and I never visited the other packs myself. I showed for our annual meeting in Washington, where all the packs would come together and discuss any issues and agreements that needed be, and then I would return to my pack, not to be bothered by anyone until next year. It had been like that since I'd inherited the Alpha title the day I turned 18. 

I never would have dreamed that I would find India the way I did. I was running rounds, checking the perimeter that bordered Alpha Shelton's pack. 

I picked up her scent when I neared the clearing, stepping out of the brush as I saw the little auburn wolf, thinking she held the scent. When her lifeless, hate filled green eyes met mine I knew there was no mate bond. I would have turned and left then, but my wolf insisted we see what the she wolf was struggling to keep under the water.

I padded to the waters edge on the other side, looking curiously towards the she wolf when I noticed she was holding down a little golden wolf. Anger coursed through my wolf and he took over before I had a chance to realize what had happened. 

He could feel her slipping away, giving up. He would not sit back and let his mate die. He charged the red wolf, slamming into her as she flew back into the cover of the woods. She did not give up as he would have assumed. She stalked towards him, her eyes trained on the wolf still struggling for air in the water. He pulled his lips back in warning, threatening her if she took another step towards his mate. She took the hint and darted off then, disappearing into the cover of the trees. 

He looked down at his little mate then, her blue eyes dull and tired as she lay at the waters edge. He would have helped her to her feet, but he was too stunned and shocked to do anything. He had found her. After 5 years of praying to the goddess, he had his mate, the wolf who would complete him. 

She had managed to drag herself out of the water before collapsing again, panting in the grass at the effort it took. He took the shirt fastened tightly to his back leg delicately into his teeth and laid it in front of her as he finally relinquished control back to me. I darted off into the woods as I felt her shifting and shifted quickly, the bones elongating and popping into place as I pulled the loose shorts on quickly. When I came out of the cover of the trees she was sitting up, my shirt swallowing her petite figure. She looked marvelous, until her eyes fluttered closed and she began to fall back towards the earth. I dashed out and caught her, pulling her up into my arms and against my chest as I headed towards Alpha Shelton's pack, only bothering with being polite for her sake. I could have taken her the moment I'd found her, but stealing her chance to say goodbye to her family would have been cruel, and it would have threatened the ties and alliance I'd formed with the Shelton's pack. 

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