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The woods parted then, giving way to a small, secluded clearing that held a little cabin, the dark logs stacked high, the deep green tin roof gleaming in the moonlight. The porch seemed to wrap all the way around it, two wooden rocking chairs situated towards the right side of the porch, a swing situated on the left. It was small, and beautiful, and I prayed that the inside was just as breathtaking as the outside. I could feel his eyes on me as he pulled the truck to a stop, climbing out and coming around to my side. I undid the seat belt, knowing if I got out on my own it would only work his nerves. I didn't want to start off any worse than I already had, for all I knew he'd mark and take me tonight, even if I didn't want it. 

The door swung open then and I sat still, looking down towards my hands before I let my eyes meet his. His crystal blue orbs never left mine as I traced his face, memorizing every detail. His short brown hair matched the scruff that covered his jaw, making him look more rugged, more masculine, making me feel safer. His jaw was defined, his cheekbones high, his lips plump and moist, tantalizing me, begging me for a taste. The corners of his eyes hinted at the ghosts of laugh lines, matching the corners of his full lips. I noticed the movement as he held a hand out for me, and I took it, marveling at the current flowing easily between us as I slid out of the truck. 

"Welcome home darling." He said softly and I smiled, releasing his hand and heading towards the steps that lead to the front door. I reached for the handle, turning it slowly as I realized it was unlocked. I turned back to him then before opening the door. 

"You don't lock up when you leave?" 

"Not unless I feel the need to." He said matter of factly and I shrugged, pushing the door open and smiling at the inside. 

I was in the living room, the deep brown leather couch facing the fire place, where a giant television was situated on top of the mantle. I rolled my eyes then and headed towards the kitchen. It was small, the pantry filled to the top with food, the fridge packed full of fruit and meat. The bar was rustic looking, with saddle seat barstools tucked underneath it, the little dining room complete with a tiny, round breakfast table, the chair backs high and carved with elaboration and care. It was beautiful. It was perfect. I was smiling like a mad woman as I dashed up the stairs to the bedrooms. The first was small, a little double bed and dresser set with a little closet and walk in bath room, the walls a deep blue, the bed set a lighter ocean blue, hints of tan and white running through it. I ran across the hall then to Colt's bedroom and smiled. It was exactly how I'd pictured it to be. The giant log bed frame was situated in the room, taking up most of the space. The walls were a deep green, the bed set looked like the woods, rich browns and greens adorning the fabric. The closet was huge, one side full of clothes, the other bare. I walked through the closet and into the attached bathroom and did a happy dance. There was a giant whirlpool tub in the middle of the room, two sinks on opposite sides, his and hers. There was a huge shower with one of those built in raining features with jets all over the walls and a temperature control. I hadn't pictured Colt as the kind of man that would want to pamper himself. 

I felt strong arms wrap around me, his breath hot against my neck. "Do you like it? If you hate it we can build something else." 

I turned in his arms, wrapping my arms around his chest. "I love it." I breathed into him. 

I stood there in his arms, marveling at how safe I felt. I knew he wouldn't let any harm come to me, I could feel it down to my core. This was the man I was destined to spend the rest of eternity with, and I was grateful the goddess of the moon had given him to me. I fought the overwhelming urge in me to compare Colt to Ty, swallowing it down and pushing it to the back of my mind. Colt was my mate. Ty was my friend. That was all. This was a black and white situation I told myself. 

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