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We hadn't been driving that long when Alpha Lithe pulled off onto a little dirt road secluded from the main road and hidden by brush. I had driven this way into the city many times and never noticed it. 

The dirt drive was long and winding, the forest on either side alive with life. I would have plenty of room to run, to let my wolf out. I wondered how she was taking this, slipping back into my mind and finding her purring in content at being near her mate. I rolled my eyes at her and focused on the clearing a few yards ahead of us. 

There were houses all over the clearing, like a giant neighborhood shoved into the middle of the woods. Some were large and elbaorate, spanning out massively while others were small and modest. There was a little diner and a few shops lining the street as we continued down it. I watched people strolling the sidewalks carelessly, kids running happily through the streets. Alpha Lithe kept his eyes alert the entire time, making sure none of the kids ran in front of the truck. 

We were pulling away from the little town then, futher into the woods as I looked behind us in the sideview mirror. I noticed some kids behind one of the buildings, yelling towards a smaller child who cowered beneath them. Anger flared in my veins and I was brought back to the time I first met Mikayla. She was a tiny she wolf, and delicate, she was shy and sweet, and had the biggest heart of anyone I'd ever known. We were on break at school in junior high when I noticed her in the same situation as the boy I saw now. I went to her aid, and I got my butt kicked back then for it too, but now I could do something. It took everything I had in me not to shift as I watched the largest boy strike the little boys face. 

"Stop the truck!" I shouted as I fumbled with the seatbelt and dashed out of the truck before Alpha Lithe even had time to stop. I ran up to the kids, who I noticed now were a little older than I'd originally thought. They had to be almost in high school, 15 or 16 in age. I grabbed the large boys wrist just as he pulled it up, planning on striking the kid once more. 

"If you touch him again I will rip this arm from it's socket and you will never see it again." I growled and the boy laughed. He laughed in my face, turning towards me and striking me instead. I felt his hand connect with my cheek, I felt my head snap to the side, but I didn't go down. I straightened my spine and began to shake with anger. 

"Do yourself a favor you dirty rogue and get gone before my Uncle shows up." The boy spat as Alpha Lithe made his presence known then. He took one look at me and his eyes went black, focusing on the mark I was sure was forming across my cheek. 

"Who laid a hand on her?" He growled, none of the pups saying anything. I took the moment to hurry towards the boy on the ground, kneeling next to him and checking his wounds. He was small and delicate, no more than 11 in age, his brown hair was rough and frazzled, his brown eyes scared as he looked up at me. He was black and blue from head to toe, and it broke my heart to see the deep purple bruises already forming across his face. 

"Come on," I spoke softly to him, "I'm not gonna hurt you, let's get you back home." I pulled an arm underneath him and helped him up, realizing he was taller than me. I pulled his arm around my shoulder to help steady him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" The boy who hit me shot out venmonously, gripping my upper arm. It was ripped away milliseconds later and Alpha Lithe was reeling, if it were possible I'm sure steam would have shot out from his ears. 

"He's the one who hit me." I told him smally, helping the boy walk until we were safely behind him. 

"Dylan, you did this?" He growled, taking a step towards the startled boy. 

"Yeah Uncle Colt, she's a dirty rogue, what does it matter?" The boy stuttered. 

"What does it matter? I'll tell you why it matters. You just laid a hand on your future Luna, that's what matters!" Alpha Lithe, who's name I now knew as Colt, roared towards the boy, the color draining from the poor kids face. 

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