Chapter 17

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Isabelle felt there were voices speaking to her. She couldn't open her eyes. She felt her whole body was being carried. She tried to fight the darkness inside of her. The voices in the head was so loud.
You're going to die Isabelle.You don't deserve to live.None of the people in your family deserves to live. We're coming for all of you.

2 hours later.
"Isabelle?Isabelle?!" called out a voice.
Isabelle opened her eyes slowly.There were people around her, but the image was so blur. She couldn't make out who was standing beside her. She knew she was on a bed. The place smelled like a hospital.
"Where am I? How did I get here?What happened to me? "
Isabelle saw her brother, Sebastian sitting next to her, on the bed. Brandon was standing beside Isabelle. They both had worried look on their faces.
"Where am I? Why does it smell like a hospital?" asked Isabelle as she tried to get up, but she couldn't and fell back on to the bed.
"Hang on there." said Brandon as he made her sit up, by putting a pillow behind her back so she would feel more comfortable.
"Thanks." said Isabelle as she sat up straight.
"You were lucky that I saw you collapsed on the floor! Just imagine if someone else saw you and taken you to the hospital!!They would have checked your heartbeat and you'd be exposed that you're a vampire !" snapped Sebastian. He felt a huge wave of anger formed inside of him but he controlled it.
"I'm sorry I didn't know what happened! I was just walking as usual and I felt like the whole world was spinning and I heard those voices again." said Isabelle.
"I told you not think about them again!What did the voices say this time?" asked Sebastian.
"That they're coming for us" said Isabelle.
Brandon looked at Isabelle. He looked more worried than Sebastian was.
"You still have not answered my question yet." said Isabelle.
"You're in a hospital but I know the doctor. He's a vampire too, so there's nothing to worry about.Its weird that they can get to you. The voices,  I mean." said Sebastian.
"I think it's because I'm a half vampire.I can't control like how you do . I don't get it! how am I a half vampire and you're not? " asked Isabelle.
"Isabelle ..I'm your half brother.My dad got married to mum a long time ago...he died. And I was really young. I must have been 3 or 4 years old.Then mum met a human and she married him but you know what happens when a vampire and a human gets married right? " asked Sebastian.
"Er no." replied Isabelle.
"The baby grows extremely fast.The period of pregnancy of a vampire is much faster than humans." said Sebastian.
"So I'm 'that baby'" said Isabelle.
"Yeah you can say that.We really need to train you properly this time" said Sebastian.
"We?" asked Isabelle.
"Brandon and I." said Sebastian.
"You can fight?" asked Isabelle to Brandon.
Brandon nodded at Isabelle.
"He's a better coach than me to be honest. I've learned a lot from him."said Sebastian.
Great now he's going to train me. I'm just going to be a complete fool in front of him. Wait I'm already a fool for thinking about this.
Isabelle looked at Brandon.
"Greaaaat..." Isabelle said awkwardly.
Suddenly a young man probably in his late twenties walked in.
"Hey so how's my favourite patient doing now?" asked the man.
"I'm okay...I think." said Isabelle.
"I'm Doctor Aiden.You must be really lucky to have a great brother. Thanks to him you're okay. " said the doctor.
"She's okay right?" asked Sebastian.
"Oh yeah. She's perfectly fine. I think the block that you kept in her mind couldn't take the voices. I'll try to do something for her mind. The voices, they can't be rather intimidating.Just be careful." said Aiden.
"Well that made me feel a whole lot better" said Isabelle sarcastically.
Brandon snorted at that.
"I'm sorry but it's the truth. Didn't mean to scare you though. " said Aiden.
Sebastian on the other hand, didn't look that pleased with the whole situation. He was just furious of what had happened.
The doctor sat beside Isabelle.
"Ok what I'm going to do now can be really weird, because it's your first time..." said  Aiden.
Oh boy!
The doctor placed his hand over Isabelle's temples.
" I need you to look at my eyes and clear your mind." said the doctor.
Isabelle nodded and looked at him.
Suddenly she felt the noises in her head had subsided. She felt everything quite dizzy after what the doctor had did to her mind.
"It won't last long, eventually you'll need to learn how to control it." said Aiden.
Sebastian faked cough to get Aiden's  attention.
"She's a half vampire...Is there any other way she could block it?" asked Sebastian.
"Ah-that explains that you have slight pulse rate." said Aiden.
Isabelle smiled and nodded.
"Well you could try shutting your mind about those voices.Try your best not to think about them." said Aiden.
"Okay.." said Isabelle.
"No I'm serious. This time you were lucky that you had your brother by your side. He's not going to be there always Isabelle." said Aiden.
Isabelle felt like a whole was being formed in her heart. Like a piece of her was already missing.
"I know. But he is here now" said Isabelle as she looked at her brother who was staring at her.
"I think that's it then. You're completely fine now and you can go home." said Aiden as he got up from the bed.
"Thanks Aiden!" said Sebastian as he shook his hands.
Isabelle felt relived. She could finally go home. She hated the smell of hospitals.
"Now let's get you back home. Your family would be really worried about you." said Sebastian.
Isabelle got out of the bed with the help of Brandon.
"I'm sorry we can't go anywhere after school. I don't think so my parents would even let me out of the house for weeks." whispered Isabelle to Brandon.
"You're seriously thinking about that  at a time like this?"asked Brandon with a smirk appearing on his face.
"I always hold on to my promises." said Isabelle as she winked at him.
They got out of the hospital. Sebastian brought his car and took her home.

A few minutes later,
Isabelle got out of the car. Sebastian helped her out and walked her to the front door of her house.
"You'll be okay right?I'm sorry for being mad at you just now. I was just so scared that someone else would find out about you. Humans hate vampires Izzy. You need to know that. The relationship that your mother had with your dad, that's a miracle.but it's not normal. Izzy you're the only sister I have." said Sebastian. His eyes were glowing.
"I know and it's okay...I should have listened to you. I just couldn't control it." said Isabelle.
Just then the front door was opened by Mrs Foster.
"Hey mum" said Isabelle.
"Oh good heavens Belle! Where were you?!You almost gave us a heart attack when the school called us and told us  that you were missing." said Mrs Foster.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but your daughter collapsed on the floor. I just happened to saw her and I immediately took her to the hospital."said Isabelle.
"Oh that was so kind of you! Thank you!" said Mrs Foster."Wait you're one of Belle's friends right? You're the boy from the restaurant!Wait is he the one?Your brother...Sebastian?.
She remembers him?
"Yes. I am 'that boy'. Well I've got things to do. Take care of you daughter. She needs to rest."said Sebastian as he gave the both of them a warm smile.
"Alright take care of yourself dear." said Mrs Foster.
Mrs Foster and Isabelle went inside.
I really thought I will die today . What did I even do to deserve such a caring brother?


Hey guys so I finally updated this chapter. Woo-hooo! So yikes what happened to Isabelle there? Well she's got lots of training to do with Sebastian and Brandon before those vampires attack them.  Sebastian and Isabelle's  brother and sister relationship is just so cuteeee!! Anyways hope you guys liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote guys.
Love, Cally💋

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