Evee got tu surfas
Surfas baad
Sheep eat evee
Sheep baa(d)
Winona cri
I cri (evrytiem)
Winona hav fyunerul
Fyuneral maek winona preggi
Preggi winona giv birth
Momma Winona eet her childs
"Yum," shee sae
Taestee childs
"I hate myself," Lily sae
Lily eats Winona
Lily kills hershelf
Pour shelf ):
Was that a good chappy i mean i liked it a lot im proud
We're Soilmates
Horrorthat worm fanfiction that i wrote based on evies bad spelling (that is still somehow better than mine?? ?)and no one really wanted written with details and i made it longer than one paragraph enjoy kiddos