Cocktail of Life - A Short Story by @jinnis

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Cocktail of Life

by Jinn Tiole

It started with a simple cold. Eve Berger refused to consult a doctor for a stupid cold. She went to bed early and spent the weekend at home, reading mystery books and drinking gallons of herbal tea. Monday, her boss sent her home.

'Go see a doctor, I don't want half the office staff infected during main season,' he said.

Grudgingly, Eve made an appointment with Doctor Mason in the afternoon. She checked her throat, knocked her on the back and front, looked into her ears.

'You caught a cold, obviously. Either you stay at home a few days until it blows over, or you take adequate medication.'

Eve contemplated her options. She really had a shitload of work waiting for her, and, more important, Tuesday evening was her date with a gorgeous type from gym.

'Can't stay home, too busy at the office. Can I get a prescription?'

~ ~ ~

She picked up the drugs in the pharmacy at the corner. The pharmacist checked the doctor's note frowning.

'Which possibility do you choose?'

Eve was perplexed. 'Possibility?'

'This prescription gives you two options. One is a classical general medication for heavy colds, the other is fabulous but new on the market. One single pill, and the cold is gone.'

Eve frowned. 'And what's the catch?'

'No catch, nanotechnology. Imagine an antivirus specifically fighting the source of your infection.'

'Why would you sell classical medication if there is a magical instant cure instead?'

'I don't know. Guess older people rarely trust new scientific innovations.'

The frown on Eve's forehead deepened. At thirty-nine she didn't count herself under the collective term 'older people', not by a long shot.

'Okay, give me the wonder-treatment.'

It was too late to return to the office. She headed home instead and sat down with a cup of tea to study the package insert. If the leaflet was to be believed, the drug worked simply, efficiently and without side effects. Reassured, Eve swallowed the yellowish pill before she turned in.

The next morning she felt great. All signs of the cold were gone, no sniffles, no cough. She entered the office with a clear head and a spring in her step. Her boss raised a questioning eyebrow. But he wasn't one to complain about dedicated workers.

~ ~ ~

Eve had already forgotten about her cold the next evening. It was Tuesday, the day she finally dated Marcus, the Adonis from her gym club. She still couldn't believe he noticed her after three years of using adjacent treadmills every Wednesday night. Determined to give her best impression, she hurried home after work to shower, dress, do her hair and makeup.

A childhood tricycle accident had left her with an ugly scar above the left eye. People often stared at it. She preferred to cover it up instead of having her date's gaze inadvertently shift to the old scar during conversation. Eve picked a brush to apply skin-coloured foundation, then stared at her reflection in the mirror, speechless.

The annoying scar was gone, without a trace.

The date didn't go well. Later, Eve blamed it to the missing scar. It's inexplicable disappearance left her absentminded the whole evening.

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