Chapter 7

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I walk down the halls in search of Peter. I find him alone with a book in front of him.

"Hey Peter." I call. "So, I was wondering. Would you like to go out with me?"

He stares and I smile flirtatiously and bat my eyelashes at him in what i hope is an innocent, air-headed look. After what feels like forever he nods.

"Sure. I'll pick you up on Saturday. 6pm sharp. Sound good?" He asks me and I nod. We exchange numbers before I leave

Satisfied, I  skip the rest of school. Terrible student, I know, but I already passed high school. I go home and stay up late to dig up as much dirt on Peter as possible.

**** Time skip to Saturday ****

Peter told me our date would be a casual event so I dressed in some ripped jeans and a low cut crop top. I step outside my door and  wait for Peter to arrive.

My partial top secret plan is to lead him on for a few days then just drop him for some one else, like Al or Robert, the people Peter hates. There is a third option, Player Boy, I am so not going anywhere near him, plan or no plan. It was a one time thing to use against him later in life.

Peter arrives at 6 pm sharp exactly and takes me me to a cute little restaurant called The Shake Shack. We go inside and order burgers and milkshakes.

"So Tris. What's you favorite color?" Peter asks me.

"Blue," I blurt, because i can't say black, he'll think I'm weird, also black isn't technically a colour but fuck that, and if I scare him away my plan won't work. I need him to like me. "What about you?"

"I like Red," He replies.

"That's pretty color. I never thought you to be someone who liked red," I observe and lean my arms on the table.

The waiter comes over and gives us our orders. We eat, talk and laugh for the next two hours until I realize what time it is.

"Hey, it's getting late. I hate to leave, I'm having a wonderful time, but I have a curfew of 10 pm. Can we do this again sometime?" I look at him with a half-lidded gaze and smile shyly at him. Im not sure if he believed it, I was never that good at flirting but I think it worked judging by the smile on his face.

"Sure. Now, let's get you home, Trix," He rose and we walked tho his car together.

He walks me to the door like a gentlemen. What a joke. I smile shyly at him.

"Thanks for tonight," I say.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks, ever the actor.

I go on my tip toes, damn being short, and touch my lips to his. I close my eyes and pretend to enjoy it but the whole time I'm thinking, 'Ew. Its for the greater good, I need to find the other girl, but ew.'

He pulls back, smiles and walks back to his car. I stand there and watch as he drives away and as soon as he's gone, I slip inside and wash my mouth.

***** Time Skip*****

I'm out at a tattoo parlor with Peter, probably to make me get the eye tattoo like all the other victims. I've been acting head over heels in love with Peter and, as much as it makes me want to puke, he's been telling me things. Yesterday, he hinted about his organization, and told me if we're going to be serious to not hang out with certain people.

Thank you, for that very valuable information.

I walk in, worried because I have three more days before Tiffany turn up dead.

"So, Trix, I was wondering if you wanted to get matching tattoos with me? I was planning on getting it anyways and thought maybe we could match?" Peter asks casually.

Now to pretend I care.

"Really? Of course I want to get matching tattoos with you!" I say, giggling. "What we're you thinking we should get?"

He walks up to a poster with a bunch of designs and points to a blue eye.

"I was thinking of getting this one. What do you think? Do you want to get it with me?" He asks me, smiling that disgusting smile of his.

"Of course! This is so cool!" I say, giggling and take his hand as we walk to the counter. We get sent to two different tattoo artists and I get the eye on my wrist. I will definitely need to get rid of it later. Like, ew.

The artist finishes and puts ointment on it and wraps it up. I find Peter and giggle as I walk up to him.

"Still can't believe we're doing this. It's, like, so romantic in a badass kinda way!" I gush. "I hate to bail but I got homework I need to do, and you probably do to, so I gotta get going. Love ya, bye!" I almost choke on those final words. I get out of there as fast as possible and run home.

What am I going to do? Robert was dating someone and although Al hates Peter, he's to... soft for me. I need someone strong enough to deal with me and my anger, even if I am slightly more controlled when acting even if it is for a just a day. That leaves random guys around the school, or Peter's arch-nemesis, Player Boy.  As much as I don't want to be near him, he would have a bigger impact on Peter than a random guy.

I find Player Boy's number and text him.

Could you meet me at the park tomorrow. 11 am sharp. -T

His reply is almost instantaneous.

Why? -F

I have a plan for something and your apart of it. If I act weird, just play along. -T

I'm touched -F

I roll my eyes at his text and put my phone away. Tomorrow morning I'll enact my plan to find Tiffany.

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