Our date

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Izzy's P.O.V.

I wake up in a patch of flowers. I was outside and before me I saw a huge mansion. I look around and there was nothing else but the woods.

I get up, and start to ask towards the beautiful house.  I pause when I hear horses and a few other barn animals. Oh god, an I on a ranch home?

I quickly open the door, to see Asher in a suit his hair slick back, and a warming smile on his face. I rush to his embrace, as I give him a peck on the cheek.

"M-mistress what are you doing? "

"Okay what's with mistress? Are you messing with me? Come in Ash, loosen up. "

He stands there awkwardly and smiles sheepishly. Was he nervous of me? Did I do something to make him keep a distance.

Damn it! Even in my dreams he still won't like me back. Suddenly I hear quick footsteps, and see Jacob. Oh hell.

He smiles at Asher, as he nervously fixed his tie, and nods to acknowledge Jacob.

"Good morning sir. How was the conference?"

"It was good. Now shoo I have to pay attention to my little birdie."

Asher blushed as he walks off. I was sad, I could feel his pain from over here. I look to my left to see Jacob walk down the rest of the stairs his smile turning into a smirk.

"Hello birdie."

He puts his lips on mine, and I subconsciously return the kiss. I rip my lips from his when my mind processes what I did. I walk backwards, my back hitting a wooden pole, and he walks closer.



" Just stop. "

He walks closer, his from getting wider and wider til it was a creepy ass smile. I close my eyes, as he chuckles and there he was, right in front of me.


wake up to see all my friends surrounding me. They all were confused, and so was I. How long have I been out?

"So I have a question, why where you screaming?" I

"Wait I was what?"


I turn my head to see Danny walk in. She kneels down, and pays my head. I look and see they were all concerned. I broke down and told them every detail from start to end.

They all chuckled and I roll my eyes, waving them off.  I grab my phone and squeal when I see a text from Asher.

Asher: Remember our date at 1:30. I'll pick you up. Can't wait to see you in your cute outfit 😘💗

Izzy: OK I just woke up. But see you soon handsome.

I face palm when I realized what I had sent. I debate on whether to say "jk" or leave it be. My thoughts were interrupted when I see I had received another text.

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