"Oh great another new student... again??"😮

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(Izzy's P.O.V.)

I walk into my class, and groan when I see somebody in my spot. I was too tired to yell , so I plop down on the first seat I saw.

The class bells rings, signalling class is starting. Mr. Willis walks in with a student. She had a look of nervousness that made me smile.

Everyone has those nervous jitters, especially if you have to introduce yourself. Mr. Willis have her a reassuring smile, and say at his desk.

I heard her gulp as perspiration started to form around her hairline.


Hee voice cracked, which made some of the kids snicker, and made her feel moe nervous. I look at her hazel eyes behind her thick glasses.

She was simply adorable. Her brown hair, and those noticeable freckles, they have me innocent -schoolgirl vibes. Her dress was the cherry on top of the stereotype She was pursuing.

It was white and grey off-the-shoulder dress, with a bright floral kimono. She had these creme boots, and a array of bracelets.

If she wasn't a innocent-school-girl, She must be a hipster. I finally some out, and she was started too speak.

"I'm Lilac Holidae, and I have a military family. Um- I been to seven states, including Russia...I know four foreign languages. My favorite is Portuguese. I have two older brothers, and yeah I guess that's all."

There was a slow appluase, and few whistles. If course it was the jocks, who has to be extra.

"You did great baby."

"Yeah 10\10 performance."

"Shut if you dickheads. If you heard She knows four languages, so she's obviously smart enough to say no. Or else I will show a few ways on how to lose a dick. Ellos perras."

I turn around, and She gives me a light smile. I give her a nod, and She makes her way to the second row, and opens her notebook.

I grab my notebook, and just doodle a bit. Mr. Willis is senile, and is probably half-time ever since the Home Ec. Accident. I jump up, when I hear my phone buzz.

I really need to turn this thing off.

Jacob🔫: hey you there??

Me: yea why..I don't have much

Jacob🔫: you know the new girl, Lila

Me: yea and what abo-....Oh God don't tell me!!

Jacob🔫: tell you what..

Me: *sigh* do you like her??

Jacob🔫: yup..😮

Me: but you know you can't..

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