Part 12

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"Well this 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery," The frost giants start to prepare themselves for battle forming their arms into sharp lengths of ice that look as though they could do some serious damage.

"Thor's ego will be the death of us I swear," I think to myself and sigh internally.

"Thor," I warn loud enough for him to hear me but not Laufey although his eyes shift to me and narrow as if assessing me. I return his hard stare until finally Loki talks drawing Laufey's attention away from me. As soon as his gaze shifts from me I take a deep breathe. I feel as though while he was looking at me all the air in this realm refused to even go anywhere near me, let alone into my lungs.

Loki goes to Thor's side and whispers to him "Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we're outnumbered."

"Know your place, brother," Thor answers. I narrow my eyes in anger at his comment. Now I'm almost wishing to get into a fight and that Thor will get his ass handed to him. Loki has been shoved into "his place" for as long as I can remember and no one seems to notice how he has be stuffed into a box over the years.

I don't understand how they can be almost best friends one day and then almost enemies the next. I suppose that's what it's like having siblings though, I still can't think of why you would treat someone that way.

"You know not what you're action would unleash. I do," the king says looking mournfully at the ground, for he has been in battle and suffered the consequences of battling Asgard. The look in his eyes show that he is seeing the ghosts of everyone he has lost. However, the sudden shift in his expression as his gaze returns to us shows that he isn't afraid to add more ghosts to that list. "Go now, while I still allow it." He continues walking over to us, his figure is so tall I have to tilt my head back to look at his face.

"We will accept your most gracious offer," Loki attempt at keeping the peace and turns around starts to walk away. "Come on, brother."

"Run back home, little princess," the king says needing to have the last word as soon as Thor turns, seeming to need to have the last word. This causes Thor to stop in his tracks.

"Oh hell," I say knowing what will come next.

"Damn," Loki says at the same time.

Everyone in our party knows the outcome of this and inwardly groans. Thor just smiles Mjolnir slipping into a position he can hit with and turns swings connecting it with the king's face, which sends him flying. "Next?" asks Thor cockily causing the battle breaks out. Thor with Mjolnir, Hogun with his mace ball, Sif with her swords connected at a double edged spear, Fandral with his fencing sword, Loki with throwing daggers and magic, Volstagg with his axe, and I with my dual daggers.

As I'm trying to keep up with everything that's going on around me and battling everything that comes my way I hear Thor say "At least make it a challenge for me!" I'm struggling and he's asking for a better opponent. I swear he's going to get us killed some day.

"Gods strike down this friend of mine for his foolishness," I shout over to Thor only half joking and I hear a guffaw come from him. I sink one of my daggers into the neck of a frost giant and turn to the one I've been fending off while I was fighting the other one.

"Your brother needs to learn self-control!" I send Loki's way after seeing that he's only a few feet from me.

"That is definitely something he lacks," He agrees and I see he's fighting multiple frost giants at once. I can't help but take a moment to admire his technique. However, this moment costs me and I am hit in the back, which sends me flying into another frost giant I'm forced to fight.

"Damn it, Amril, Focus!" I remind myself and take down another giant.

I notice the king send a look to some bigger champions and one of them comes over to Thor and growls, to which Thor growl back. "That's more like it." I hear Thor say. Why, oh Odin, did I agree to come and witness this, I'm embarrassed for my people.

While we might be some of the best warriors in Asgard there are only seven of us and this is a battle we're slowly starting to lose. I see a large frost giant, well he's large for a giant I mean, charge Loki. He looks frightened and looks over his shoulder to see he's on the edge of a cliff. I instinctively take a step in his direction even though I know he could handle the giant.

But as the frost giant gets closer and closer I see he isn't making any attempt at moving. Without thinking my legs start to sprint over even though I know that I'll be too late by the time I can't make it over there. I see the giant about to connect with Loki and send him over I feel a fear that I've never felt before at the idea of losing someone this close to me. The giant instead of hitting Loki tumbles off the cliff and I see the Loki I was scared for was just a mirage made by his magic.

"If you like remaining alive I would suggest that you never scare me like that again," I command although honesty I'm happy he's ok.

"I'll try not to," He says taking my hand for just a moment before we both run our separate ways to find new opponents.

I find one taller than usual facing me "Just my luck," I grumble and ready my weapons. He takes his club like ice weapon and thrust it down trying to squash me like an ant and I roll away just in time. On my way up I slice his Achilles tendon making walking with that leg impossible. He howls in pain and falls to one knee.

Somehow while still in pain he's trashing his club about still trying to hit me with it. "I do admire your unyielding nature, but I'm afraid that you've forced my hand," I say before using my dagger to end his suffering.

"Don't let them touch you!" Volstagg warns, I look over to see the burn he now has on his arm.

I hear Fandral scream and I look over to see him impaled with ice through his shoulder. Loki throws a dagger to the frost giant near Fandral as I run over to help him. This battle that we started out winning is becoming an uphill war and if we stay here any longer I know all of us aren't going to make it our alive.

"Thor!" Sif calls.

"We must go!" Loki yells.

"Then go!" Thor says still fighting. After dispatching the frost giant he was dealing with, he throws Mjolnir effectively clearing a way for us through the frost giants. We heard a loud rumbling and see that Laufey is releasing a frost beast, which hurries our process of getting Fandral over Hogun's shoulder.

"Run!" yells Volstagg and we start sprinting to where the bridge will be.

"Thor!" calls Loki who sees he's still fighting.

"Brother, I suggest haste!" I shout hoping he can hear me through all the sounds of him fighting.

As we're running to our escape route frost beast gets completely released and it starts chasing us. I use my magic to blast a pillar in front of us which I think will fall on the frost beast by the time he will get there. The pillar falls on it and the beast is momentarily pinned.

However the moment doesn't last long enough as after a second the beast whips out its tail, almost hitting Sif. I thank the gods for whatever luck they bestowed upon her as she avoids the hit at the last second as we're running to where the bifrost bridge should open.

I hear thunder and see lightning out of the corner of my eye and I hope this means Thor will be joining us soon. The ground starts to fall behind us I wonder if it's the result of Thor using his powers and I start to run faster.

I hear Fandral laugh and I look behind us just in time to see the beast fall into the widening chasm Thor made. I let out a wolf howl in happiness that at least one problem has been dealt with favorably for us. I hear Loki laughing at my sound and I look at him smiling. He shakes his head at me in mock disapproval, although he can't keep the smile off his face, as we continue running.

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