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After another one and a half week in the hospital you could finally go back home, since Jerome heard about you and Xander he's been acting weird. Very weird. You finally came home, with Xander helping you. Jerome was home. "Jerome i'm home!" You said in excitement and he helped you with your stuff looking evilly at Xander. "Jerome i need to talk to you in private" You two walked in your bedroom with Xander in the livingroom. "Look you can murder whoever you want but Xander, please Jerome i love him" You could feel him being hurt by the 'i love him' part. "You don't know if you love someone after one and a half week Y/N" He said and looked down. "I've had a crush on him since 8th grade, we've only been dating for one and a half week, just Jerome not him please" You begged. "OK fine" He said and you hugged him tight, he hugged you back tighter. You walked back out. "I think me and Jerome can do the rest ourselves thanks for helping tho" You said to Xander walking out of the bedroom. "Anything for you" He kissed you and then walked out. The door closed. "Jerome he's gone" You said and Jerome came out of the bedroom. "You don't have much" He said looking at the stuff. "I know because a lot is still here" You laughed, he laughed too. Not his crazy laugh, the sweet one. The 'i'm still very innocent' one. You loved his laugh, more then Xander's.

After you finished packing Jerome ordered pizza for the two of you. You picked a movie and put it on. The movie started about 20 minutes before the pizza came, Jerome got plates and you got the pizza. Could you just get away from all this love shit and mary this pizza? It looked so good. You and Jerome sat down eating the pizza. "Would you mind if i leaned against you?" You asked Jerome, you always did that to Xander and you missed it. "Not at all" He smiled and you sat against him, Jerome had no choice but to put his arms around you. Why did it feel better then Xander's arms around you? Oh god you couldn't be falling in love with Jerome could you? It was probably just the attractive fucking pizza. That's what you thought. You could not fall in love with Jerome, he's your bestfriend. You watched the movie and felt Jerome looking at you. You knew he cared about you more than he ever cared about someone else, you were the only one who accepted him for who he was. The movie wasn't even finished and you fell asleep, so peacefully in Jerome's arms. He put you in your bed and went to his own bed. Leaving the pizza left overs in the fridge.

You woke up before Jerome, you still had to feeling of his arms around you. You set the idea of liking him out of your head, you were going to watch a movie with Xander today. You love Xander not Jerome. You took a shower and dressed. Eating some of the pizza left overs for breakfast. Jerome woke up, his hair looked good like yesterday but one strand. It was kinda hilarious how it wouldn't stay where it was supposed to be. You laughed seeing him. "What?" He said. "Look in the mirror" You responded, he looked at sighed. He tried to get the strand of hair back by just pushing it back where it was supposed to be but it kept going back. You laughed harder. "Oh shut up it's fine you know my hair never is really perfect" He chuckled. "Come on you're a ginger your hair is pretty without you doing anything to it" You said. "True" He laughed, Jerome had a very big ego but you liked that about him. "Xander's gonna pick me up soon for the movies but then i'll be back and we could do something together" You said and Jerome agreed. Xander picked you up and you went to the movies, one thing bothered you. You wouldn't get last night out of your head, his warm body with his arm around yours. Xander did the same at the movies but it wasn't the same as always. Now Jerome did it too, it felt better by Jerome. Way more comfortable. 

A touch of fear // Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now