chapter 1

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Lexa pov

I was walking through the woods behind Ton DC. When I felt like something was near me. I was about to pull my sword out, but before I could a panther came leaping out at me. Knocked me straight to the ground. My sword was to far and then the panther was on top of me. I closed my eye waiting for what comes next, but what comes next wasn't what I was expecting. The panthers body goes limp and I open my eyes to see a knife in its head. I hear footsteps and look over to see a blonde haired girl walk over to me. She helps me up and introduce herself.

"Hi I'm Clarke, and I just saved your life" she said in a friendly way.

"Thank you Clarke, and I am commander Lexa" I say and her eyes go wide. Next thing I know she is bowing before me.

"Commander it is an honor to meet you, I am Clarke kom skaikru" she say and stands up to face me and smiles.

"Clarke of the sky people it is an honor to meet you, I have met your mother and she told me about you I just never got to meet you" I say and smile back, and wondering why is she all the way out here.

"Clarke of the sky people why are you all the way out here" I ask.

"I'm here with my friend and girlfriend we came to see my friends boyfriend Lincoln I think that's his name, well I got lost and I was walking around and I saw the panther and how it tried to kill you so I saved you" she said and I nodded my head.

"Well why don't you come back to Ton DC with me and I will have my warriors find your people" I say and she nods. We walk back to Ton DC in silence. Once we get there Indra comes running up to me.

"Heda where have you been and who is she, Costia was looking for you I told her I would find you, she's in your tent" Indra says looking over to Clarke.

"This is Clarke of the sky people and I was walking in the woods when a panther comes out of nowhere and tries to kill me, but Clarke saved me and here friends our in the wood will you and three other warriors go find them and bring them here they might be with Lincoln" I say and Indra nods and walks away. I tell Clarke to follow me and we go to my tent. When I walk in there I was met with a hug from my girlfriend Costia.

"I was worried that something happened don't leave without telling someone and who is this" Costia say and looks at Clarke with a small smile.

"This is Clarke of the sky people and she saved my life so I am finding her friends" I say and Costia walks over to Clarke and hugs her.

"Thank you for saving her she can be a little stubborn sometimes" she says and Clarke laughs.

"It was nothing really just glad I could help" Clarke says and smile then Indra walks in.

"We found the sky people there outside" she says and I nod then I hear.

"Where is Clarke I swear to God if she is hurt you all will be hurt" I hear and look to Clarke.

"Yeah that's my girlfriend Raven she is very protective" she says and I nod. We walk out of the tent to see two girls standing there one who is standing with Lincoln and the other comes running over to Clarke and hugs her. I'm guessing her girlfriend.

"I'm fine Raven I just got a little lost and I found the commander and she said she would help me find you guys" Clarke says and Raven looks over to me and smiles and I smile back.

After they are don't talking we go and sit on my tent and talk. I have learned who the two girls are and what they are like. Raven is Clarke's girlfriend and she loves mechanic's. She like to fix and build things she would be a very handy person. Octavia is Lincolns girlfriend and she is a very tough girl. Lincoln is training her to be a warrior. We talk a little more but them Octavia ask.

"Oh not that we don't like Ton DC but our people will be looking for us and we have no idea on how to get back" she says.

"Well I have been meaning to talk to your leader Abby again to discuss somethings, if you would like I will have two of my most trusted warriors take you back to your camp, and if you will tell Abby I wish to talk to her again, and she and Marcus now how to get here and if you want you can come back to" I say and they nod. Then I have two of my warriors take them back to there camp so they can get home before dark and I can't wait to talk to Abby I have a great idea.


Hey guys Gracie here and I just want to say I'm super excited to write this book. It may not be clexa but it is going to be a good book so I hope you read it me and my friend Lexa_Clarke_Clexa came up with it so I hope you enjoy and go check out her book called lost its really good and if you haven't read my other fanfic you should if you like clexa because my other one is a modern day clexa. So hope you enjoy and comment what you think and vote bye for now.

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