chapter 5

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Lexa pov

I look to my left and see Clarke lining on the ground with an arrow in her chest and an ice nation warrior shot my Octavia. Raven is next to Clarke crying and Clarke is unconscious. Costia runs over to her and puts two fingers n her neck and looks at me.

"She's got a pulse" she says.

"Do something she is alive" Octavia shouts.

"We need to get her to Abby know" I says and Octavia nods.

"Raven we need to go Lexa can carry her on her horse but we need to go know" Octavia says and Raven nods.

"If anything happens to her I will kill you" Raven tells me.

I walk over to Clarkes body and gently pick it up and get on my horse. Costia gets on one and so does Octavia and Raven. Lincoln stays with Indra and make sure no ice nation warriors follow us. I start at a slow pace but then I put my horse into a gallup. Costia is close behind and so is Raven and Octavia. I look down at Clarke and I see her chest rise. Good she is still alive. We reach the skaikru camp in 30 minutes. Two men run up to us and one I remember his name is Bellamy he see Clarke and takes her.

"She needs help she was shot by ice nation" I say and he takes her to Abby. Raven and Octavia come riding up and Raven jumps off and I stop her.

"No one is aloud in there" I say and she gives me a death glare.

"Like hell if I'm staying out here" she says and walks over to the door but a man holes her back and she starts yelling. Octavia runs over to her and holds her while she cry's. Just then the door opens and Abby comes out. We all run over to her.

"How is she, is she alive" Raven ask and Abby looks like she is going to cry.

"She lost a lot of blood, but I got the arrow out and then noticed that it was poisoned and the poison got into her blood. I gave her some medicine but there's nothing else I can do, its up to her, she has to fight to stay alive" Abby says with tears in her eyes and Raven is crying. Octavia is holding her and I'm hugging Costia.

"This is all my fault she went out there to save me and now she is on the edge of dyeing" I say and everyone looks at me.

"It's not your fault commander, Clarke wanted to go because she new if you died then the coalition would break and there would be war and she didn't want that" Octavia says and everyone nods.

Raven walks off with out saying a word. This must be really hard on her Clarke is her everything, her family, her best friend and her lover, if she dies Raven will be lost. Octavia see Lincoln come in and runs over to him. She is crying to, Clarke is apart of everyone in this camp if she dies then there will be a piece missing. I look to Costia to see she is already looking at me.

"I shouldn't have left her to do it by herself, if I stayed and helped she would have never been shot" she says and tears in her eye. I know her and Clarke became friends and this must be hard for her.

"It's OK Clarke will be OK and this is not your fault no need new the warrior was there and he could have shot any of us, why don't you go and check on Raven she needs someone right now" I say and she nods and walks to Ravens room. Then this man comes over to me and says.

"Hi I'm Jackson if you want I can stitch up your cuts they'll heal fast" she ask and I nod and follow him to the back so he can stitch me up.

Costia pov

I got to Ravens rooms and I have a tray of food for her, because she must be hungry. I knock on the door and she opens it and let's me in. Her eyes are red and puff she was crying.

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