chapter 2

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Clarke pov

After we got back me and Octavia and Raven went straight to my mom and told her what the commander said. After that me an Raven went back to my room to get ready for bed, but I can't help but think what does the commander want to talk about. I fell asleep thinking about it with Ravens arm rapped around me.

The next day me and Raven woke up and went to get breakfast. We were eating with Octavia and Bellamy when my mom comes over to me.

"Clarke we commander wants to meet today but I have a man in medical who needs my help will you go to Ton DC there are to warriors at the front gate waiting" she ask and I nod. My mom always told me that one day I would be a leader and today is that day, but before I could get up Raven spoke.

"No way you can't go alone, I'm coming with you" she says and I smile and she smiles back.

"Well I want to go to you now" Octavia spoke up.

"OK you both can come with me, butcan we go know" I say and they both nod. We walk to the gate to see the of the commanders warriors there and they help us on there horses and of course Raven doesn't like this but she goes with it. We start are ride to Ton DC I wonder what to commander wants.

Lexa pov

Today the skaikru leader is coming to discuss some things that I think will make both of us stronger. I would like to take them to polis also so instead of talking here we will go to polis and discuss it there I have already sent Indra, Costia ,and two other of my warriors there and tomorrow me and Abby will go there to discuss what I want to discuss. When my warriors comes and gets me and tells me the skaikru leader is here I was expecting to see Abby but instead I see Clarke the girl who saved my life and her girlfriend and friend.

"Clarke of the sky people what are you doing here and where is your mother" I ask.

"Well my mom had this man who needed surgery and she couldn't make it so she sent me" she says and I nod.

"OK well tomorrow me, you, Raven Octavia, Lincoln, and Gustas will be going to polis to discuss so things" I say and she nods.

"Why can't we discuss them here commander" Octavia ask.

"I want to show you polis it will change the way you look at us" I say.

"You already have commander" Clarke says and Raven and Octavia nod.

"OK well it's getting late and we have to get up early so Gustas will you show them to there tents " I ask him and he nods.

I walk back to my tent to get ready for bed and I can't help but think Clarke would be a great leader. I fall asleep to the sound of the crickets chirping. I wake up early to see that my warriors have already woken up Clarke and them and they look half asleep still. We all get on horses and start riding to polis. I'm on my horse, Raven and Clarke on another, Octavia and Lincoln on one and Gustas on the other.  We are deep in the woods about six miles away from polis when I get  a weird feeling.

Clarke pov

We were riding our horse though the woods when I get a weird feeling that someone is watching me, but I brush it off and enjoy the ride, but then out of nowhere an arrow fly's into Gustas neck and he falls off his horse. Then the commander gets down off hers and yells.

"We're under attack" and we all get off our horse. Raven grabs a gun, Octavia grabs a knife and Lincoln has his sworn I grab my knife from my boot and then there are a lot of arrows being shot at us we all run in different directions, but then I see Raven being taken by a man and I run over to him and he takes his knife to her neck. Then Lincoln points his sword at his back but then the man laughs and I'm confused.

"Here have your girlfriend we have the commander" he says and pushes Raveninto me and runs off but then I look around and see no commander. They were dressed in grounder but had white war paint they were ice nation.

"Lincoln I now how to get to ice nation I'm going after them take them and get to polis and send some as fast as you can"  I tell him and he nods.

"Hell no your not doing this it's to dangerous" Raven says.

"I now but if they kill the commander then the coalition will fall and we will all be at war, I now how to get to ice nation not to polis, Raven please trust me I can do this I was taught how to fight what's the point if I can't show it" I say and she has tears in her eyes.

"Be safe and come back to me princess" she says and I kiss her quickly and nod then I grab one of the horses and my knife and I'm off.

"Looks like I'm saving the commanders life again" I say.


Hey guys here's another chapter hope you enjoy the first one and know here's a second one. Well comment what you think and vote bye.

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