I'm this close to afford a happy meal

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I drove on the slowest way possible so I wouldn't kill Marianne on the attempt of making her feel better.
When we finally got there I was relieved she hadn't suffocated.
I removed the black cloth to reveal the place.
I handed her my debit card.
"Go nuts" I said.
Her face was the one 5 year olds had when they were taken to Disneyland for the first time. Their eyes sparkle and they start looking around never knowing where to start or where to go, all that excitement trapped on one place. For Marianne Disneyland was Costco.

It had everything from ridiculously sized foods to crazy stuff you didn't know you'd even need.
Marianne's crazy mind got developed here. When we were little it took us one big ladder and a 15 minute trip to Costco to decide that we were having a camp fire and a tent on my house's roof.

Marianne started jumping and hugging me.
"If you were a guy, I would've fucked you by now" .
I laughed and started climbing back inside my car. "As tempting as that sounds, I have to get back home and do some chores. I'll be back in an hour, don't get too crazy".

Marianne looked at me with her crazy eyes "I don't promise anything".

I watched Marianne get inside. I felt like I gave a baby the power to destroy the world with only a debit card.

I drove off Costco and started to drive home. I realized I still had nothing but shorts, the oversized jacket, and the hobo look. If I didn't get fixed soon someone might think I stole my own car. I needed to get home ASAP so I started pressing the gas pedal, but something weird happened... the car slowed down.
A little red flash lighted up just behind the steering wheel. I knew what this meant. I had an empty tank.
The timing couldn't have been worse I drove to the next parking spot I could find and started walking home.
I could feel everybody's eyes on me. I couldn't blame them, I looked like a drug addict. In fact looking like a drug addict would've been a compliment, there was no words to describe how bad I looked.
I knew that voice. I could recognize that sweet, deep voice anywhere.
No. No. No.
I slowly turned around to meet the most beautiful eyes on this planet.

"Hey Jimmy" I wanted the earth to crack, crawl inside it and never come out.

"What are you doing here?" He asked trying to avoid to look at my out fit.

"I would love to tell you, but it's a long story and right know I have to get home and get some gas".

He gave me a smile "I'm on my way home, I'll pass around your place. Do you want a ride?"
I nodded. Jimmy lived around my place so I knew it would be no big deal to let him drive me around a little.

He got out of the car and opened the door for me. Just being inside his car with him made me weak. I had planned to encounter him at school when I looked good and I could have him drool over me,but I guess life has its ways.
When we were both inside he began to drive to my place.

"I love your outfit by the way" he said giving me a playful smile.

I blushed, I was pretty sure red couldn't even begin with the color my face had right know.

I gave him a slightly sided smile.
"Yeah, I sometimes use it to sing on the streets and people start throwing quarters at me. I'm this close to afford a Happy meal". I said as  I showed him my thumb and index finger almost touching.

He laughed "Oh so that's what you were doing back there".

I sighed "Actually no. That has to do with Marianne and Conrad".

James car stopped completely, luckily the seatbelt pinned me back to my seat.

"Conrad is back?" He looked at me with worried eyes.

I remembered how Conrad was so rude to Jimmy back in sixth grade. The guy had it in for him. On the day Jimmy asked me to prom Conrad made him wet his pants because he didn't like the way Jimmy styled his hair. That was the day he left, right on prom. I remember cause he was Marianne's date and never showed up. She was devastated.

"Yep, him and Marianne got in a fight and I wanted to help her out, so I left her at Disneyl..Costco and that left me with an empty tank and a handful on nasty looks".

Jimmy opened his mouth to say something, but I noticed we had arrived home. I couldn't stand to look like this when I was with him, so I opened the door and took off.

"Thanks for the ride, I'll see you tomorrow". I rushed into my house as quickly as I could.

"Wait!" Jimmy screamed.

He got out of his car and walked towards me. His whole appearance made me weak. He was tall, and his body could've crushed mine in no time. As he got near, my heart started pounding hard against my chest, I was afraid it was going to pop out.

"Listen" he looked at me. "There's this back to school party at Ryan's on Friday night and I really want you and Marianne to come, it's small so don't invite anyone else".

I stood there stupidly. It was like he was speaking to me in another language. I could feel every emotion there was on the book in my stomach. He made it hard for me to breathe. I felt like a big ass stone had landed on my chest. I hated how much control he had on me when he only used a few words.

"Umm yeah, maybe I'll drop by".

He gave me his signature grin. "Awesome, see you there".

I watched him slowly get into his car and watched his car disappear into the next street.

James Aaron had just invited me to a party. And Marianne too, but that doesn't matter.
I fantasized about James and our 4 kids, our big house by the suburbs. Marianne was gonna flip when I told her about this.

I went to my room and changed into a white pair of jeans and a black shirt. Somehow black made my hazel eyes look better. I walked around the house and grabbed the emergency gas we had at our garage. Luckily I had cautious parents that made my life better.


Maybe they were the reason I was never at home so much anymore. They used to be more fun back in the day when I was around 10. It was always Jackson, my now 21 year old brother which I like to consider him my third parent, my dad, mom and me. We would always find something fun to do like war with paint, or when we played bowling in a waterslide. But lately they were just distant, which made mom grouchy, which made me grouchy.

I got out home with the gallon of gas and started walking to my car. When I finally filled the tank, I went to get Marianne.

I waited for her just beside Costco and when I saw her I immediately felt regret through my whole body. How was I so stupid to leave her at Costco alone. That was like letting a hungry lion loose at an amusement park. Marianne was wearing plastic bags over her entire arms. When she found me, she gave me a psychotic smile.

Oh no.

"Hey" I said trying to hide my nervous voice. "What did you buy?"

Marianne gave me an evil grin. I knew I wasn't gonna like the answer.


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