Besides if I recall, that broken arm got you a date to prom so you owe me

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I had understimated Marianne. Turns out it only took her an hour to get her mind to work the evilest play in the prank book.
When I took a look at her bag I found some gardening stuff like hoses and sprinklers.

"You're not planning on a weed garden, are you?"

Marianne shaked her head no.
"I said I bought revenge, not a treat for the douche" she said raising an eyebrow.

"Wait... Is this about Conrad?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes so far back of her head, I could picture her looking at her brain.

"Well he can't expect his return to be a walk on the park after how he walked out on his sister, can he?"

I gave her a long sigh. Maybe I would've stopped her if I didn't knew her so well by know, she had the look, the crazy smile, the excitement that meant she had already made up her mind and no one was going to stop her.

"Get inside. I'll drop you off at home" I said. I knew I had to leave her at her house before she wanted me to get involved on her crazy plans.

"Okay so this is what we're gonna do..." Marianne began.

"No, WE are gonna do nothing. Sorry dude you're on your own this time." I wasn't gonna get involved this time. Every time she wrapped me up in her plans it ended up badly.

"Come on Carls, live a little. I promise, you won't end up with a broken arm. You're gonna love this" Marianne begged. "Besides if I recall, that broken arm got you a date to prom so you owe me."

I smiled just to have 6th grade prom in my memory.

"I don't owe you anything, and even if that incident was close to the best thing that ever happened to me, pranks like yours always end up badly for me".

Marianne smiled like she had the argument that was going to convince me to join her evil plan.

"Every cloud has a silver lining my friend besides he did took your stuff out like you were an alcoholic that hadn't paid rent in 10 months".

I knew her she was trying to manipulate me to do whatever she had planned to get revenge on her brother.

"No". I said firmly.

"Fine, whatever". Marianne said turning to the window.

It felt good not to give in so easily to tempting stuff. Maybe I was finally growing up to do mature things and to solve problems civically, like adults do.

"He did call you desperate tho".

Okay that does it. He was such an asshole, I just wanted to strangle him, but Marianne probably had a darker future for him.

"So what's the plan?" I said finally giving in to her.

She cracked an evil smirk and told me.
I was so lucky to have her as a friend because having her as an enemy was probably the second worst thing that could ever happen to me, first being her dying.

Turns out the gardening tools I gave a glance to was only the beginning of the best prank ever.
We parked outside her house and we got the shopping bags inside the house.

"Be here at 3 o'clock sharp". She shouted from the front porch.

I got inside my car
"Wouldn't miss the fun" I said as I waved goodbye.

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