Chapter 3 - I eat coco-pops (YUM!!!)

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"Ruby, up! Time for school!" came Aunt Claudia's voice through the door.

I rolled over and groaned. It had been a week since the full moon and I'd been back with my "family" for two days.

I was awake until 3am worrying about school that day. I'd never been to a muggle school before. Mum home schooled me instead. Worst of all, I was going to the same school as Iris. The horror! She'd been awful since I came back. She seemed to find it amusing to annoy the hell out of me.

I dragged myself out of bed. I hate being woken up, especially by Aunt Claudia's sqauky voice. Slowly I pulled on a black skirt, a white shirt and a navy cardigan and ran a brush through my hair. Then I went downstairs. Uncle Maurice was sitting at the table reading a paper, Aunt Claudia was flitting around the kitchen making Uncle Maurice a fried breakfast and Iris was sitting eating cereal whilst watching TV. I quietly made myself a bowl of coco-pops (mmmmm coco-pops) and sat down next to Iris.

When we finished, me and Iris grabbed our bags and slowly walked to school. The whole way, Iris bugged me about everything sh could think up, so mainly my parents and I stayed silent, hardly listening. When we got to school, Iris stalked of to a group of giggling girls in the playground. I stood by the gates, feeling scared and not sure what to do. I heard laughs and looked up. Iris and her friends were laughing at a girl with bushy brown hair, who's bag had spilled open and who's books and pencils were all on the ground. Stupid cows.

I walked over and knelt down to help the girl, who had tears streaming down her cheeks. Poor thing. She looked up, surprised to see someone helping her. I smiled and the girl gave a small smile back. Together we gathered up the books and pencils and then walked over to a bench.

"I'm Ruby," I said once we sat down.

"I'm Hermione," the girl said while making sure that her bag was completely zipped up.

I looked at her properly. She had chocolate eyes and quite large front teeth.

"I'm new. This is my first day. Do we all need that many books?" I asked.

Hermione laughed slightly. "No, I just have a few extra for reading." Yay, she reads lots, like me, I thought. "People don't really talk to me. How old are you?"

"8... nearly 9," I said, my birthday was in a few weeks. I was exited for cake.

"I'm 9 next week," smiled Hermione.

The bell rang and Hermione showed me where to put my bag and where the classroom was. I stood by the teacher's desk and waited to be given a seat. The teacher was a smiley woman in her mid- thirties with dull brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She sat me in the only spare seat, which was next to Hermione. I had no complaints there. Hermione smiled as I sat down and I smiled back. Maybe school wouldn't be so bad after all.

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