3: Back at Hogwarts?

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"OMG, why are you here?" I ask while Remi mouths soundlessly beside me

"This is the guest bedroom and you should know, it's your house" he says

Remi's hand made a move towards the door but Daniel throw her a dirty look and it fell limply at her side, she was know staring at the ground obviously trying to fight the urge to curse him.

After a few moments his expression softens and he says

"You guys are so lucky I'm not going to turn you in"

"Your not?" I ask unable to hide the surprise in my voice but he didn't seem to notice for at that moment the door banged open and the twins walked in and they just stared at the odd scene because Remi had a look of complete surprise and for some reason I had metamoragiuused without even meaning to and I had small cat ears poking out if my now jet black hair, Arthur snickered and started to say a joke that I didn't really get but I still laughed with everyone else. But I hardly laughed once over the next couple of days for Remi was always at meetings and I was usually alone for hours at a time. The only time I saw anyone was at meals but even then it was just me and my brothers. Remi always came to my room and we had maybe 10 minutes to talk before she fell asleep at the end of my bed. But after what seemed forever I wake up and Remi was sitting up at the end of my bed fully clothed and with a smile on her face.

Come on sleepy head" she says "I have the day off today so I thought we should do something fun"

"like what?" I asked.

"maybe.. we sneak back into Hogwarts." Remi smiled mischievously "I'm bored of endless meetings." I nodded and we got ready to go, Remi grabbed her invisibility cloak, a bag packed with necessities and we ran to the broom shed. because Remi is my protector we have full access to riding brooms where ever we want. I throw Remi her broom and we run off towards the forest.

"Why are we taking off here" I ask

"Harder to see us" she says "by the way I left a note so when your brothers come back they will bring our stuff"

We reach the clearing and I stand waiting for Remi to say when to go

"And...now" she says

After I kick off I hear the front door being opened and people talking but Remi only motions to be quite and we still keep rising into the air

"Northwest" whispers Remi and then we are flying.

The early morning wind was whipping about my hair and blasting in my face. it felt wonderful I hear Remi laughing, it had been so long since she had last flown. We were flying for a long time until the farm land and forests turned into small towns and cities. When we reached the first town Remi shrieked and threw her invisibility cloak over me. When we were flying over London it started to rain, the cloak was plastered to my face and I couldn't see very well, I could tell Remi was having a hard time seeing as well because at one moment she started going off in the wrong direction until I called out to stop her. When we found the Hogwarts train track we started to follow it but after a while it was to hard to see from the hight we were flying so we continually came down lower and lower until Our toes were skimming the train track but every once and a while a train would come out of nowhere, by the fifth time I was used to it but Remi was apparently not, on the sixth train Remi went straight up instead of to the side and the wind knocked her off balance. She hit her head on the handle of the broom and passed out. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, she slid off the broom and fell into the forest to the side of the tracks.

"REMI!" I scream and turn my broom I try to see where she fell after three or four circles and flying threw the trees I spotted her. she was lying there so still I thought she was dead until I grab her wrist and felt a pulse. Breathing a sigh of relief I sat down next to her and tried to stop it raining it was only about 10 minutes before Remi woke up, even though she wanted to continue flying i convinced her to stay the night because we wouldnt be able to see anything in the rain. when i woke up the rain had stopped and the grass smelt sweet. Remi was standing there leaning casually against her broom she looked horrible even when she pulled her shorts down as far as she could, you could she the black and purple bruise down her thigh from the fall and because I didn't want to use magic (because we might et expelled) I couldn't sifon any of the blood of her t-shirt. but she was smiling and that told me she was fine. So we stated to fly away but every so often Remi would drop a few meters and I started to get worried

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"Sitting on this broom, my god it's painful" she reply's wincing

"Let's go faster so it won't take as long"

"Okay" she says putting on a sudden burst of speed and even I found it hard to keep up with her. after maybe 30 minutes of speed flying did we land in Hogsmead, and we walked the rest of the way to Hogwarts and at the gates Remi squeaked and threw her invisibility cloak over us so we could pass unnoticed. the first place I wanted to go was the hospital wing so we could get Remi's leg fixed but she insisted on going to the Gryffindor tower first. The place was deserted and i couldn't put my finger on it until Remi said

"Damn, classes are back looks like no more fun Andi"

"As on cue the bell rang and we were pushed with all the 6th year Gryffindors who got free periods to the tower were someone shouted

"Bowtruckle" and the fat lady swung open to invite people in

Nobody realized we were there do that was a major accomplishment and thinking the rest would be easy we slowly walk up the stairs but because we had been away so long I forgot that the bottom stair creaked. a loud creak filled the room and everyone turned to look at us puzzled but since we ha the cloak on nobody could see us. we raced up the rest of the stairs and flung ourselves into our room.

"haha" Remi giggled "that's all I have to say" she tries to sit on the bed but forgets that she had a sore leg and winced.

"Okay now can we go to the hospital wing" I ask after she put down her stuff

"Fine only to get rid of this bruise"

So we walked down the stairs this time without the invisibility cloak and tried to get through the common room without anyone noticing. we waved at some of the 6th years to stop them staring at us but Remi and I got out of the common room just fine but walking to the hospital wing wasn't going to be easy because we had to walk past the staff room without being noticed and Remi said the best way to do that was to that was to walk past like nothing had ever happened, but the plan never goes well. we were walking past the staff room when one of the professers steps out and glares at us

"Hospital Wing?" I say uncertain

"Oh is that right, then why aren't you in your robes?"

"What a nice welcome back" Remi mutters under her breath

"What did you say" snarls professer Jodie

"Nothing" says Remi

"That's right and don't you forget it" she says in that closing voice

"Actually, I have been through a lot so please spare me the pain of going back to class" Remi says as I start to move away

"Like what" she says

"Like this" says Remi lifting up the hem of her shorts to show the worst of the bruise

"Okay, just leave" says Alacara shading her eyes "and don't come back till it's fixed"

"that was good thinking" I say when the teachers were out of range

"It's a gift" she says but says nothing else on the way to the hospital wing and when we finally reach it we walk in and our headmaster was sitting on the end of someone's bed talking to madam Tompripartus.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts" she says


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