4: Expelled?

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"Nice to be back" says Remi smiling

unlike our last professor who retired only a couple years ago, professor Kemp had blond hair that was streaked with a little bit of grey and her blue eyes had started to turn silver with age, she was very much like our last headmaster Proffeser McGonagall.

"Miss Lupin, it's good to see your feeling better" she says

"Um, madam Tompripartus, could I get something for this bruise" asks Remi leaving me to talk to our headmaster

"That was a very foolish thing to do" says professor Kemp "you could of died"

"Will someone please tell me why am I in trouble and why i'm due to die" I say

"That is classified" shouts Remi while madam Tompripartus hands her a tube of orange paste and she siphons the blood off her neck and t-shirt. I watch a as a relived smile crosses over Remi face and she is back to normal again. I sit down and recall to the teachers what happened reassuring them we where safe, every now and them Remi would moan and collapse into the pillow.

"Girls that wasn't safe, we might have to expel you for that..." She says but Remi cuts her off strait away

"But miss, you can't, it wasn't her fault." the professors sent her a look shutting her up. Remi slumped back into the bed and pulled a sour face.

"you have sacrificed your life coming here Andromeda." said madam Tompritartus. Professor McGonagall shot her a look and she covered her mouth.

"what us it that I'm not allowed to know, all year people have been avoiding me, keeping secrets from me and ignoring me. I DONT LIKE IT!!" I started to raise my voice but Remi punched me in the arm.

"Don't push it" she says and drags me away from the room

"We will attend classes tomorrow" she shouts as we leave the room. I drag my feet whilst walking back to the common room. I collapse on the bed, my dreams which were confusing and dangerous left me worried


"Andromeda" says a soft voice and I whip around. It was the voice of Matt Price but where was he. The room was getting smaller and darker until I found myself panicking.

"Your time has run out little Lupin" and the box became really uncomfortable, I crouch on the floor and put my feet on the wall pushing out.

"help me" I whisper and the box crushed my lungs


I wake up bolt right and Remi groans in her sleep, I fall back onto my pillow and think about the nightmare. I was clostrofobic really bad, maybe from the lack of laughter even my dreams have become depressing. I walk over to Remi's bed and shakes her awake. must of scared her because in less than a second i was pressed against the ground with her wand against my throat.

"Ummmmm....." i say

"Nesessary precaution" she says removing her knee from my neck and clambering off me. and i wonder when she learned to do that. After standing up I take in how calm she is. Wait didn't she just have her wand to my throat. Brushing the matter away I start to get dressed and jump when the figure to my left turns in her sleep. Oh My Gosh. I forgot we shared a dorm with Alexis, what day was it today... Thursday? there wasn't a need to know the days when I was home and after asking Remi she shakes her head

"Monday" and continues looking for her robes which were probably scrunched down in the bottom of her bag. we get ready for class. After being bombarded with hugs and 'welcome backs' Remi and I scoff down breakfast and set off to the greenhouse were our herbology with professor Longbottom was as tiresome as ever. He was a family friend but that didn't stop him from working us hard as one can whilst holding a trowel. Walking up to the castle I brush away the dirt away from my robes and then started on Remi's. She was still quite dirty when we entered the transfiguration classroom with the Ravenclaws. As soon as Claire saw me she jumps up from her desk and throws her arms around my neck screaming

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