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We were all at Emily's house and she had invited Maria, Robert,

Zach, and Jennifer.

"hey um you guys i need to talk with the private." Maria

said. We all went to Emily's room.

"um so me and um Robert did it."

"oh my fucking gosh." Emily said

"shit" i blurted out. All Jennifer had was her jaw dropped to the floor.

"tell us every thing did you guys use protection?" Emily asked in her

holy shit face.

"Yes EMILY we did use protection we aren't stupid! So it all started


"Go on." Emily pleaded

"We started out kissing and then he told me 'we should take this to

the room' so i said okay and the good thing is that my parents weren't

home they went to vegas--"

"GET ON TO THE PARTS WOMAN" Emily practically yelled in my ear

"okay um soo he took off his shirt and exposed all his abs and then he

took off my shirt and he was so gentle and i fell even more in love with

Robert." she said with pure love in her eyes

"so what are you guys doing for your birthday?" jennifer asked

"i dunno yet.--He was amazing." maria went on and we all looked at her

her with "shut up eww" faces.

"well we should go outside before they think that we got locked in here

or something." I said laughing

"hey what were you guys doing in there?" Austin asked

"um just girl stuff babe." i answered as i sat on his lap. Our eyes met.

"i love you babe."

" i love you too." i responded and meant it i don't know why i thought

of Alex that way. Austin was amazing and was the only thing i needed.

The only thing that worried me was that we hadnt had our first kiss.

But i kind of wanted to wait for the perfect time.

"Hey Alex so whats up with you and Emily." Austin asked Alex

"um i really did do a mistake i really love and want her back but i dunno

if she wants to." Alex replied

"hey Michelle can you come into the kitchen please." Emily meant as a statement

"yeah sure---Whats up."

"um should i get back together with Alex."

"well only you know how you feel about him."

"Well im feeling two things one to get back with him and two is that he might

break up with me again or cheat on me."

"yeah i understand just do what your heart wants kay."


Days have passed i havent seen Austin for a long time. He was with A.C in Texas

to visit their families. I missed him so much. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket

It was a text from Austin.

From Austin: Hey babe i miss you a lot :(

To Austin: Come home babe i miss you too.:(

"Can i get a grande caramel frappucino." i told the lady behind the counter at starbucks.



"that will be 4.06" i handed her the money and headed towards the waiting section.

As i was putting my money away i heard a familiar voice.

"hey beautiful miss me."

wtf. i was shocked why was here and want the hell did he want.

A/N: Keep on reading to find out who it is hint it isnt Austin :o xx-Mely

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