Chapter 6

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"What are you doing here?!" I asked him

"Can't I visit my girlfriend?" He smirked. God did I hate his smirk

"Girlfriend!? Wtf please"

"Michelle your drink is ready." I heard a woman's voice say.

I grabbed my drink and started to walk but as I tried to get away

He grabbed my wrist and turned me over to face him.

"No kiss goodbye babe?" He said while smirking like always

"Fuck. Off" I snapped

"Haha catch you later babe." He said with a big grin on his face.

I quickly took my phone out and texted Emily.

To Emily: we need to talk. Now.

From Emily: sure where?

To Emily: at my house.

From Emily: okay.


*At my house*

" hey what's up why did you want to talk?" She asked

"He's back."

"Wait who's back?"

"You remember when I went to England. You know

For vacation." I told her

"Yeah what about England."

So I had gone over to England for Christmas a few

months ago because I am half English which means

I have a little bit of a British sound in my voice.

" I met a boy there with blue eyes like the sky and blonde

Highlights in his hair . His toned up body made my heart

Melt and my knees weak." Omfg what am I saying he

Did something horrible to me but I'm just not ready to

tell anyone yet.


*the next day*

My clock read 10:30am it was a Saturday. I'm happy

Because Austin comes home today. I've missed him

Soo much. My phone buzzed I hope it's Austin...or not.

From unknown: Hey beautiful did you miss me?

I panicked what if it was him. Why the hell are they calling me


From unknown: hey don't worry it's me Austin.

To unknown: hey babe I miss you soo much come home soon cx

I got up put of bed. I walked to my restroom I turned on my

shower me and Emily had planned a welcome back party.

I'm pretty sure Maria and jenni missed Robert and Zach.

Zach went to Chicago and Robert went to Seattle. Apparently

They had all planed to visit some family. After I got out of the

Shower I put on a dark blue dress with black wedges and I was

Going over to Emily's because she was going to curl my hair.


*Emilys house*

"Hey em."

"Hey Michelle. So um go ahead and grab a chair and sit next

To the table so I can start with your hair." I did as I was told

But while i was doing that I got a phone call and it said private.

I answered. "Hello?"

"hey princess miss me?"

It wasn't Austin. Holy shit it was him it was...Niall.

I clearly heard his heavenly Irish accent through the phone.

Whenever I was in England we would always hang out like

Friend but one day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was madly In love

With him. We went out for about 8 months and then one day. He

Told me that he got drunk and slept with Jennifer. Yep Jennifer

Zachs girlfriend. Yes Jennifer did go with me that time. I

Didn't talk to her the whole flight back to the U.S when that

Happened Niall tried to call me the next day and I ignored all

Of his calls. I didn't talk to Jennifer for a whole year yeah that's

How pissed I was. Anyways he's back and he is better than ever

He has more tattoos, he had piercings which can make anyone melt.

He has snakebites and lord Jesus did he look hot in them. Austin had

Piercings too and lord did he look hot in them too. I was more into the

Tattoos and piercings guys. Yeah Niall was cut but Austin was my one

And only.

" hey Michelle you ready?" Emily called

" uh yeah be there in a sec."

"Okay then." She answered

"What the hell do you want Niall."

"Woah calm down Michelle i just wanted to say that I am very sorry-"

" oh save it you slept with Jennifer I will never ever forgive you." And

With that I hung up on him. 20 minutes passed and Emily was finally done with my hair.

I went to her restroom to do my makeup.


I had finally finished with my whole outfit from head to toe, for the for the first time since Niall.

I was. Happy. I got out of the bathroom to get everything of Emily while she did her hair.

It was 3 hours until Austin landed, I was soo happy he was coming back I missed his eyes, lips, hugs and humor.

But the thing I missed the most is when he would sing me to sleep. He has the voice of an angel.

A/N: hey guys it's Mely how's it going so what did you think of the Niall thing don't hate me please bye.❤️

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