Chapter 11

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Please babe can we talk about this.

I'm still debating on wether or not to talk about it. I need advice.

"Hey guys can you give me some advice?"

"Sure what about?" Emily said

"Austin keeps on asking if we can talk I'm not responding but do you think we should?"

"Well he didn't really do anything major for you to react like this."

And it's true he didn't really but I still feel like something went on between them.

I hear a knock at the door. I get up and try to get the door but Jennifer stood up.

"It's okay I'll get it." She walked towards the door.

"Oh um hi Austin." I heard Jennifer say.

"Uh hi is Michelle here? I need to talk to her is she is please." Jennifer looks at me with a

questioned face and so do Emily and Maria.

"Austin I don't-" Jennifer said when Austin cut her off.

"Please please let me talk to her." He said I heard his voice crack

I walked towards the door and and Austin looked at me.

"Baby can we please talk about this."

"We can talk but were done. I'm sorry Austin it's over."


Her words broke my heart. I've never fallen for a girl so hard since Ariana.

"Wait what?"

"I'm breaking up with you." She said as we walked into Jennifer's room.

"Why?" It was all that I can say and wonder.

"Why? Austin are you seriously asking why." She was mad but she didn't look at cute as before.

"Yeah im asking why Michelle."

"Okay let me just ask something. How do you know Ariana?"


"Um okay. When I lived in Florida we lived by a beach and it had turned out that Ariana lived there

in Florida too. So one day me, Zach, Robert, and Alex decided to go to the beach and play some

football. When we were playing football the ball had gone into the water by a red headed girl. So

then Robert asked to pass us the ball. She said yes but on one condition we would let them play-"

"Who's them?"

"Her and her friends: Liz, rosy, and Natalie. They told us that if they won we each had to go on

dates with them. Ariana chose me. They were surprisingly good. The next day which was a

Saturday I took her out for dinner. Everything went well. We went out on more dates and on

valentines day I asked her to be my girlfriend-she said yes and about 3 months later we did it. And

I know that girls have that time of the month but for her it never came."

"She got pregnant Austin! Why didn't you care to tell me this in the beginning. Thank god we

ended it maybe you would've gotten me pregnant too." Oh gosh why did I just say that.

"Wait you thought I was going to get you pregnant?" His face got red he was mad.

"Honestly yes. I'm not ready for you and me to do it! I'm not ready to get pregnant. I don't want to

end up on some reality show. I'm 15!"

"No one ever said we were going to have sex. You know what now that I think of it, it's a good thing

were over don't worry I won't call princess." He walked towards the door and got out and slammed

it shut.

After about 20 minutes of crying on the floor Jennifer, Maria, and Emily came in. I didn't want to

talk to anyone.

"Are you okay Michelle?"

I looked at them.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?"

A/N:hey guys I'm sorry for not updating sooner freaking school. P.s I cried when I was writing this please don't hate me. 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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