The Spy Who Shagged Me: A One Direction Story.

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A/N So, I was getting kinda sick of the whole, randomly meet One Direction and fall in love thing, so I went totally radnom and started this one!! Inspiration from 'Kidnapped' by IAmTheVoldermort.

Enjoy! It may be a bit crazy, and opefully full of surprises, ha!

I will be updating "stole my heart" hopefully tomorrow, just a bit stuck with that one. Love love, Vote and comment. xx


I twist the latch and the dor swings open. It is all dark and quiet inside, that's briliant. I step inside and tiptoe up the steps.Feeling round the door frame, I find the light switch and the bus lights up. Oh, shit bad idea. Flicking it off again, I start my search.

My arm is lost inside the two seater sofa when I hear soft grunting noises. Craaaaap! I can see the moon thorugh the small window above a set of bunk beds, and diving for one, I slip under the doona and flick it up over my head then scoot against the wall. Just in time as immediately after the door opens again and more voices this time, and all too familiar ring through the small space.

"Awesome show lads I'm off to get something to eat." The thickly accented voice trails off and, I assume, being Niall that he had headed into the kitchen.

Another one, closer this time, "I'm off to bed guys, I think I'm still a little sick."

"Aw, want me to make you some carrot soup?"

"Uh, nah thanks, Boo. I'll just have an early one." It's closer now and I can hear the soft rustling of fabric and then the plop as it hits the floor. What, are they getting undressed?! Shit shit shit shit!! I'm in way too deep now! A cool rush of air whispers against the top of my head as the covers are drawn down and the matress sinks down, warm heat radiating through the bed. I stifle a gasp as he rolls over, ending up half on top of me. Let me just say, I remember that he likes to sleep naked! 

"What the h...!" Slapping a hand against his mouth, I make furious head shaking  guestures at him, his wide eyes stare back at you, your faces are aonly inches apart in the single bed nd his curls caress your forehead as you lay tangles in bed with him. Reaching down for the doona, I cover both of our heads with it, hopefully muffling our voices.

"Please, please don't say anything! Can you keep quiet?" He tips his head slightly in a nod. Removing my hand-can I say rather reluctantly- and wait for him to speak.

"Well, if you wanted to get into my bed, you could've just asked." I scoff, honestly you can't understand how much of a flirt he is until you actually talk to him. All of a sudden, the bus rolls forward picking up speed until it is moving smoothly on what must be a highway. The jolt of movement sent me flying onto Harry's chest. Surprisingly, he doesn't push me away.

"Uhm, why are we leaving, aren;t you supposed to do a concert tongiht?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Uh, yeah. Listen babe, you stay here and I'm going to find out what's happening, ok?"

"Ok sure Haz." I grimace, a little too early to be giving eachother pet names I think.

He slides out of the bed, covering himself wth a towel from the floor before disappering round the corner. I hear rasied voices from  few metres away and Harry comes back seconds later. He runs a hand through his hair, a worries expression in his face.

"Um, ok. Well, the boys are in the lounge. They're tied up.

"Right. So why's that?"

"We're being kidnapped."


A/N Ok, just a little bit of writing over the long weekend. It is highly unlikely that I will continue this if no one comments telling me to, so Vote/comment if want to find out why the boys are being kidnapped.


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