Chapter 3

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Susprisingly, the blinding pain that I expected never arrived. A strong force pushed me from behind, wrapping around me. Harry? Would he really have pushed me? The ground is flying up to greet us. We re falling through space. In a flash, we collide with the hard earth.


It feels like waking up from a long nights sleep, except the dreams have been anything but pleasent. I raise my head, a nearby streetlamp lighting up the area around me. The ground below is unusually soft, tickling me face. Oh, wait......WHAT THE HELL IS HARRY DOING HERE?!

"Harry? Haz? Are you ok?" He groans in response, his eyelids flickering. I lean close to his ears.



"Harry, what are you doing? I am momentarily distracted by a pair of red lights disappearing in the distance, number plates '1D UK 69" . Oh, my god.

"Shit, Harry! They left without us!"

"Uh, what did you expect? We jumped to get way."

"No, I jumped to get away, I have n idea why you did."

"I couldn't just let you kill yourself." He mutters.

"Oh, right. Well, it looks like we're on our own here, so lets get moving. Get up."

"I can't. Everytime I move it's like someone is stabbing me with a thousand knives." I don't want to say anything, but to me it sounds like he has a broken rib or something, so instead I sigh and slip an arm around Harry's back to try and lift him up. He won't budge.

"Geez Harry, you're such a fat lump of lard!"

"Babe, it's all muscle. HOT muscle." I scoff and try again, but still he won't budge. Eventually we realise that we could get him propped aginst the lampost them combine our efforts to slide him standing.

"Ok can we walk now?" He hesitantly takes a step, leaving one hand clinging onto the post. He groans and shakes his head.

"I don't think I can." Hmm well that puts a hitch in our master plan. I take a slow look around. We are in an empty parking lot. It looks like the back of a large shopping centre, and apart from the odd car and scattered rubbish, there is nothing around. I don't think Haz and I are up for a car hijacking, but in a flash of inspiration, I spy an upturned shopping trolley lying a few metres away. "Bingo!" I jog towrds it, turn the trolley up the right way and roll it over to where Harry is leaning against the pole.

"Get in, baby face."

"You've got to be joking!"

"Hope. Unless you're up forme dragging you along the ground, this is our only option."

"Ok, ok." He mumbles. Tentatively, he lifts one leg into the trolley while I hold it steady. He steps the other foot in, then lowers himself into an awkwardly curled ball. I shrug and walk around to the bar thing at the front. He can stay that way if he wants! Turning the trolley around, I wheel him down the footpath, the metal wheels scratching horribly against the concrete.


I walk for what feels like hours but can only be about one. I measure time in the amount of lamposts we pass. I count fifty when a glowing ball appears in the distance. In reality, it's probably not glowing ball but some recognisable object, however I lost my glasses on the way to the boys' bus so the world is one of soft, blurry shaoes. The gentle rocking of the trolley has sent Harry to sleep, his curly haired head resting against my hand. I decide not to wake him up until I can tell if the shape is something useful to us. I use this free time to ponder my situation. How on earth did I get caught snooping in One Direction's tour bus, jump out of the moving vehicle, then end up pushing an injured Harry Styles through the roughest suburbs of the city? Who bloody knows.I flick my hood up as we approach the shape I can now recognise as a youth hostel. Perfect!  I park Harry on the footpath just out the front of the building and shake him awake.

"Harry? Haz?" He mumbles and rolls over, before letting out a shrill sream. I chuckle.

"So do you have any money?" 

"No, I left my wallet in the bus." Hm, looks like the hostel is our only choice. Helping Harry out of the trolley before wheeling it down the alleyway beside the bulding, we approach the fron door. or at least, what looks like it must be the door. The whole building has a dirty, scummy feeling. The windows are a murky brown, tattered curtains hang limply beside them. Harry and I turn towards each other at the same time, I raise my eyebrow.

"Are you up for it?"

"I am if you are."

We tug the door open and step into the dim light, only to be faced with one scary human being. If that;s even what it is. Stained yellow teeth stick out from behind paper lips and wild stringy grey hair. I am shocked and a little horrified by this sight, so thankfully Harry saves the situation.

"Hi, uh ma-am. Do you have  a room free."

"sure, for you, lovely young boy." She grins evilly, before leading us down a hallway to out rooms. "Here have this one. I'll expect payment tomorrow morning." Witht hat, she leaved us alone. Something in her voice makes me think that her 'payment' is something you wouldn't usually give, if you know what I mean. Harry swings open the door and feels around the frame for the light switch. It flickers on after a few splutters and I motice his hand is covered in a weird green slime. With a grimace, he wipes it onto the wall and tugs me further in, shutting the door behind us.

There is only one double bed in the room which is sunk the middle, and is missing any sheets or pillows. No bathroom either. I walk over to the window and pull the curtains closed. I turn back to the bed. 

"What, afraid to spend the night in bed with me? Or would you rather spend it out there with the he/she?!"

"Uh, I think I'm good here, thanks Harry."

Reluctantly, we both climb onto the bed. I intended to keep a safe distance awy from him, but the matress has other ideas. We end up rolling straight into the middle anyway. Harry, being the gentleman that he is, slides an arm under my neck, providing a handy pillow and I try to not let myself think about just how much I really enjoy this.

"Don't worry babe. We'll find a way out of this tomorrow and find the boys again." 

"Yes Haz. Cannot wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us."

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