Chapter 5.

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New Chapter!!! Woo yay for uploads, sorry it is so short though! I'm entering this and 'Stole my Heart' into the Watty awards 2012!! Woo hoo so if you like either of them please read and vote! xx


I spin in a 360 degree circle like a puppy chasing its tail. Nothing. But, bloody hell, where could that boy be? Of course I had no idea how long I had been out for, but surely not much longer than him. Suddenly, al too unpleasent thoughts start to creep into my mind. What if Harry didn't just decide to get up and leave? What if someone forced him? I know that Harry and I didn't have the most normal of meetings, but, strangely I had grown kind of fond of him. He had an almost innocent and childlike quality about him that I just couldn't see to resist. So, it seemed, was the same for the other three and a half billion females on the planet. Although I knew all too well just how badly getting involved romantically with someone I was trying to protect could go. The thing is, I hadn't had the chance to tell Harry the full story of what I was doing in the bus. Aside from outsting Paul and his illegal cattery business, I was also (more secretly) assigned to be his bodyguard. 'Do whatever you have to, for however long you have to do it, to make sure Harry is safe.' Why just Harry, though? Even I hadn't been informed of that but right now, I was failing miserably. Two days in and we were chasing after a kidnapped bus, his hostaged bandmates, given Harry a broke rib and now losing the man as well. Not a good start, Pipsicle.  So, stepping away from the steaming cart, I surveyed my surroundings. I stood on the edge of a curving road. Not a highway and definately not a road used very often, judging by the amount of cars that had driven past in the last ten or so minutes that I had been standing here. On each side of the road was impassable thick greenery. On the left a sheer cliff face dropped away down a steep decline. On the right is a bank towering over the road. I guess there is only one way out. I was fairly certain the I knew which way we came from, and I didn't like my chances there, however it was either that or follow the road into the unknown. Eeny, meeny, miney, mo...



Once again, my ankles are went up over my head. This seems to be becoming a regular position for me. Wherever I was, no light was coming in. I was surrounded by pitch black. Cars drove past and faded into the distance. Stuck. I was stuck here, in such a position that it was impossible for me to get out, but I was determined not to give up so I started banging on the side of whatever I was stuck in.



My poor poor baby. Lost out in the big bad world on his own. I wonder what he is doing; if he is alright. We had been in the bus for close to three drays now. Who knows how far behind Harry is. The strange thing is, why on earth did he jump out of the bus? Doing the heoroic thing and trying to save us all or just  escaping from the kidnapped bus?  Shortly after we realised that Harry had jumped out, we were moved onto our bunks, where we have stayed ever since, stopping about every twelve hours to use the bathroom. My phone had been vibrating constantly from the floor in the kitchen where I had dropped it. Probably mangement or Paul wondering where the hell we had got to. It seems that all attempts of saving us had failed so far. Who knows how long we will be stuck here?


Hours and hours and hours, thousands of steps and only a few miles later, I reached my destination, the next town! Well, not really a town more of  main stree with  few side streets but still beteer than nothing. My feet were dragging behind me by now. It must be bin day as every five or so metres as green garbage bins were dotted along the footpath. I began counting them, marking my progress. As I reached my twenty first, I was startled out of my rhythm by  large crash and an ear piercing scream. One of the bins had fallen down into my path, causing me to stumble back. A curly head popped out of the bin, covered in dirt and a lolly wrapper stuck to his cheek.

"Harry?! Oh my gosh, what are you doing in the bin?"

"Ah, Pip! Oh I never thought I would be so thankful to see your scowling face again!" I step forward and crouch down in front of him. I pull the lolly wrapper off his cheek and extend a hand to help him up. A giggle escapes my lips as he shimmies out of the bin, revealing more and more of his rubbish covered.... NAKED BODY??

"Dear god Harry, what WERE you doing in there?"

"Uh, I really don't know. But, erm... uh can I please have your hoodie? Gotta leave something to surprise the ladies!"  I peel off my hoodie and hand it to him, tiying it around his hips. Tearing my eyes away, I grabbed his hand and we started off on our journey again.

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