When The Sun Rose Again- Chapter Eleven

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"Ahh, so you went against my demands, I see," Ozzy sighed, "Disobeying your master, Eddie, do you know what I could do to you?"

Eddie looked down at his feet in shame. His lover, Chris, stood right by his side. His master was so upset with him.

"I'm sorry, master. I... I didn't mean to go against your commands, I just-"

"You didn't mean to go against my commands? Eddie, I made it very clear that he only had one chance to make things right. He didn't deserve a second chance."

"But you don't understand, master. Jerry was upset. He didn't mean to mess up. He was so desperate to get back with Layne. He-"

"Still, you went against me." Ozzy pointed out.

"Master, if you just listen to him-" Chris tried to defend his lover, but Ozzy stopped him.

"Stay out of this, Chris. This is only between me and Eddie."

Eddie sighed. "He was in pain, master. I couldn't help myself. I believe he deserved a second chance."

Ozzy stood up from his seat. "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, Eddie. You know, I could take your powers away from you."

"But you wouldn't." Eddie pointed out. He knew his master needed him, just like the other angels.

"Hmm... I suppose you're right. But I will do this."

Ozzy's hand slowly rose up in front of him, and he closed his eyes. Eddie's eyes widened as pain began to take over his body. With a groan, he slowly dropped to his knees.

"You're hurting him! Master, stop! Don't hurt him, please!" Chris begged, dropping to his knees beside his lover.

"Master! Let him go! Stop hurting him!" Chris screamed, pleading with his master to stop hurting his lover.

And finally, Ozzy stopped, and the pain had stopped, yet Eddie's body still hurt. As he buried his face in Chris's chest, and Chris wrapped his arms around him, Ozzy left, leaving the two alone.

Chris held Eddie tighter as Eddie began to sob in his chest. Chris's shirt soaked up his warm tears.

"Where does it hurt, baby? Show me." Chris whispered in his ear. Eddie slowly pulled away from Chris's chest, and pointed to his own chest, showing Chris where the pain was.

Chris sighed, and gently laid Eddie's small body down on the floor. He helped him out of his shirt, and looked down at the ugly bruises Ozzy had created on him without a touch.

Stains of blue, purple, and green stained his pale skin. Chris leaned down, placing small, soft kisses over the bruises on Eddie's skin. Almost instantly the bruises began to disappear, and the pain began to fade.

Kiss after kiss, the bruises faded. And Chris didn't stop until they were all gone, and the pain was all gone away.

"Thank you." Eddie said softly.

"I can't stand seeing you hurt. But that wasn't a safe move, baby."

Eddie softly nodded his head. "I know, I just... I believe in people being in love and being happy. Kinda like us, you know."

Chris smiled, and placed a kiss on Eddie's soft, pink lips. "So you're in love with me?"

"Chris, we've been over this thousands of times. My love for you is endless. I'll love you for all eternity. I know you're the one for me." Eddie said, running his fingers through Chris's thick, long hair, and staring into his eyes.

Chris's smile got even wider. "I'll love you for all eternity, too."



Eddie looked deep into Chris's eyes. "Make love to me."

And that was exactly what Chris planned to do.

* * *

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead." Layne whispered in Jerry's ear. He had his arm wrapped around Jerry, and his lips were placing kisses over his shoulders.

"Hm?" Jerry mumbled, his eyes slowly opening. For a moment, his vision was blurry, but he blinked until everything was clear.

It took him a second to wrap his head around everything. But all he was worried about was the man lying next to him.

"Layne! Oh god, baby. I'm so happy to see you. I thought you were gone forever!" Jerry said, rolling his body on top of Layne's, and pecking his lips over and over. Layne giggled, and wrapped his legs around Jerry's waist, and locked his fingers in Jerry's messy hair.

"What are you talking about, baby? You were the one who blacked out last night."


"You said you were going to show me a new song, but before you even played it, you blacked out. Are you okay?"

Jerry smiled, shaking his head. "I'm great, baby. Just as long as you're here with me, then everything is great."

"Hey, keep it down, and stop moving around up there so much. I'm trying to sleep." Sean groaned from the bunk below them.

"Get your legs off me." Mike groaned, pushing Sean's legs away, but Sean put them back across Mike's body.

"Stop, I'm comfortable." Sean whined.

"Oh, Layne, wouldn't Mike and Sean be the cutest couple?" Jerry asked, speaking loud enough so Mike and Sean could hear him.

"Please, I would never date this thing." Mike said.

"What's wrong with me?" Sean asked.

"What's wrong with you? You're messy, you're gross, you're lazy, and you're annoying. Actually, a lot more, but I'll keep the other reasons to myself."

Sean chuckled. "Oh you don't mean that, baby. Come over here and give daddy a kiss."

"Oh my god." Mike groaned. Layne and Jerry was in a fit of laughter.

"I love you." Jerry said to Layne, giving him a deep kiss on the lips. Layne couldn't help but to smile in the kiss.

"You know, this has been a good morning to wake up to." Layne giggled. Jerry chuckled, resting his forehead against Layne's.

"Good. Come on, let's go out. Anywhere you want, you pick."

"Hmm... I can pick?" Layne asked. Jerry nodded his head.

"Okay. Hmm... I pick... the bar downtown. But only if you'll get on stage and sing a song with me."

Jerry smiled. "Deal." 

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