When The Sun Rose Again- Chapter Thirteen

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Jerry laid in his bunk, still wide awake while the rest of his bandmates were sunk in a deep sleep. Layne had stole all of the blanket that the two were sharing, but Jerry didn't mind. He looked too cute wrapped up in a blanket.

Mike and Sean laid beneath them in their bunk, holding each other under the blankets. Mike laid snuggled into Sean's chest, while Sean had his arm tightly tucked around him.

Rain from the dark Seattle skies poured down; and Jerry listened as the raindrops hit the roof of the tour bus. Such a soothing sound.

With a sigh, Jerry looked over the close. 11:52 pm. He was still mentally arguing with himself whether or not to drink whatever it was Eddie had given him.

These past few months had been so fucked up, Jerry thought, and maybe it would be nice to just forget about it all. To forget about William, to forget about Layne's death, to just forget about everything that happened.

11:59 pm.

Time was ticking down and Jerry had finally came to the conclusion that he was going to drink it. He was going to forget about everything that happened from his time with William.

He quietly pulled himself out of the bunk, being easy and careful not to wake any of his friends. He reached into his jeans and pulled out the small bottle containing the blue liquid.

12:01 pm.

It was time. Jerry held the bottle up to his mouth, and drank it, every little drop until it was gone. The taste following it wasn't pleasant. It made Jerry's face scrunch up in disgust.

He shivered, feeling something odd tingling inside him. He crawled back up into his bunk next to Layne. Layne shifted, and his eyes slowly opened.

"Jerry? What're you doing up so late?" He asked, yawning. Jerry kissed his head.

"Nothing baby. Just got a drink of water. Go back to sleep, okay?"

Layne softly nodded his head before he cuddled against Jerry's chest. His skin was warm, and so was his breath that softly hit Jerry's chest and neck. Giving Layne one last kiss on the head, Jerry closed his eyes, and slowly fell into a deep, deep sleep.

* * *

It had been weeks since that night now, and Jerry didn't remember a damn thing. Not Layne's death, not William, not any of that.

The tour had ended and the boys were now back at the home they all shared. Mike and Sean were somewhere upstairs, doing things that were better left unsaid.

Layne sat on the couch, dressed in his pajamas, as he watched some old music videos on the television. While beside him, Jerry was playing random chords and tunes on his guitar.

There was a knock at the door. It was so low Jerry and Layne almost didn't hear it.

"Who's that?" Layne asked, getting up from his seat on the couch. He flicked the tv off before opening up the door to find Chris and Eddie standing on the other side.

Layne invited them in. Eddie and Chris both stepped inside, and Layne shut the door behind them. Before Layne could say anything, Eddie beat him to it.

"We have some important news. Where's Mike and Sean?" Eddie asked.

"Upstairs. They'll be down in a bit. What's going on?"

Eddie smiled. "Well, I would wait until Mike and Sean came down, but I can't wait. Me and Chris, we're getting married!"

Both Jerry's and Layne's eyes got wide. Although, it wasn't very surprising. The two were perfect for each other.

"That's so cute!" Layne chirped.

"Yeah, congratulations!" Jerry said, giving Chris a pat on the back.

"And we were hoping maybe... you two and maybe Mike and Sean, too... would be our bridesmaids?" Eddie asked. Jerry chuckled, and Layne beat him to his answer.

"Of course we will! Right, Jerry?"

Jerry shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. Why not?"

Eddie smiled. "Good. So I'll have everyone know that our wedding is tomorrow. Be there at five."

"Tomorrow? Wow, you didn't give us much time to prepare." Jerry chuckled.

"Time to prepare for what?" Mike asked from the staircase. He was almost breathless, and his hair was an absolute mess. But Sean's hair wasn't any better.

"Our wedding tomorrow." Eddie told him.

"Wedding? Tomorrow? No way! That's awesome! They'll be food, right?" Sean asked.

Chris chuckled. "Yeah, they'll be food. But only if you'll agree to be our bridesmaids."

Sean shrugged. "Sure, as long as Mike will wear a dress."

Mike gave Sean a look as if he was the dumbest person who ever lived on earth. "I'm not wearing a dress. I believe you'd look better in one."

"Wait. How long have you two been together?" Chris asked, guessing that the two just finished making love upstairs.

"We're not!" Mike swore. "I'd never date him. He's annoying, lazy, gross... I could go on forever, but some things are left better unsaid."

"Aw, you don't mean that, baby. Come here and give daddy a kiss." Sean teased Mike, pouting his lips out.

"Just keep it in your pants at the wedding." Eddie told them.

* * *

It was the next day, and so far, the wedding had been beautiful. There were plenty of guest, and the decorations were beautiful. Not to mention that all the guys were all dressed up in tuxedos. Sadly, Sean couldn't convince Mike to wear a dress.

Eddie and Chris had just finished saying their "I do's" and Chris was now slipping a wedding ring on Eddie's finger. Then, the two shared a deep, innocent kiss, both smiling into it.

The guest began to cheer, clap, and whistle. Eddie and Chris looked at each other, both with big smiles on their faces.

"I think we did a pretty good job, don't you think?" Chris whispered to him. Eddie raised his eyebrows.


"I helped a little." Chris whined. Eddie giggled.

"Yeah, a little. I guess." He teased. The two shared one last peck on the lips, and the wedding party began.

Only one chapter left!

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