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"Mom I'm going to college. I will take breakfast in the canteen."

"Wait, Kiara, you are not going to college today. Don't you have any shame? Today is your engagement and you are going to college. Go to your room and after some time we will go to our farmhouse where beauticians are waiting for you." I completely forgot about this day.

I nodded and head towards my room and messaged Shirley that I will not be going to college today to which she replied I didn't need to go either. She is really excited to flaunt her new gown in her best friend's engagement. Everyone is happy for their personal reasons except me and mom but we can only cry on our fate. What if I ran? Will it solve my problems? No, I think it will make my problems even worse and I will be tied to Ashwin the next day before even blinking my eyes twice. I can't run, I can't protest and even I can commit suicide. That monster will sell my mother in the fish market if I even think about this stunt. Is this guy really my father who is selling his daughter for his business and wealth, I asked myself for the millionth time.

When I was a child I used to wear my mom's sari and always asked dad that I want to marry a Prince and he used to lift me in his arms and kissed my cheek. He always said that he will find a most worthy Prince for me who will keep me happy always. Does he really believe that Ashwin is a kind of guy with whom any father will tie knots of his daughter or he really loves money more than his daughter's life? He has changed a lot and now I don't even see a father's warmth in his eyes.

"Kiara are you there?"

"Yes, mom come inside." As she came I hugged her tightly. My days with her are limited and this was making me more attached towards her. As she caressed my head my all tension starts vanishing in air. Her soft and warm touch was enough to broke me.

"Does father loves me? Why is he doing this to me? Why he is forcing me to marry Ashwin when he knows everything about him. He has murdered his own child mom how can I expect good behavior for me."

"Because of your money." She said in plain tone

Kiara's Mom's POV

"What did you just say? My money? What?"

"This Serena mansion, this property, and whole business belong to you Kiara, your father don't have a single legal right on this. This wealth on which your father is having pride is not actually his but your's which you have inherited from my father, your grandfather."

"What are you saying, mom. I can't understand a single thing."

"It is hard to believe but your father's and mine was a love marriage. At that time your father was a small businessman and my father was the richest man in the society. We fall in love and get married. My father didn't object because he was always very caring, loving and loyal towards me. We loved each other a lot and after some time when I gave birth to you our happiness knew no bounds. You were like an angel sent in our life from heaven. Our all time was devoted towards you and your care. You filled our lives with happiness. After few years your grandfather died and your father took over full business as I had no sibling. After that, your father immersed himself in his business and he barely had time for us. He was always traveling due to business and totally neglected our presence in his life. That was also not bad but what happened after that was horrible. I still can't forget that day when your grandfather's will was disclosed before all and how your father reacted. That day he did something which is beyond cruelty.

"What he did mom? Tell me I want to know." I was totally shocked

"He threatened me that he will kill you." This day will not end happily, I thought.

"I Robert Alberto is making this will in my full senses and no one will be able to change my decision. After my death my granddaughter Kiara Serena will be the owner of this vast empire and whole property and after her marriage, she will be able to claim this business and wealth along with her husband. If anything happens to my daughter or Kiara then this property will be transferred to the orphanage." Your father left soon after hearing this. I ran behind him as I thought he must be hurt but he had other plans in his head. It was impossible for me to match his pace but still, I keep following him. When I reached home he was already in his office with his lawyer. Before I could enter I heard his lawyer's voice

"Even if you kill Kiara then also you will not be able to acquire the property. There is no way now that you can become the owner of this empire. That old man was really clever. I didn't know that he had made such will."

"Shut up! I didn't marry that ugly Shalini to see a day like this. I wanted to be rich, very rich and that's why I also killed that old man. No one can stop me now. I will kill that b***h and her daughter." I was stunned. I didn't believe what I heard. His lawyer spoke again

"Don't worry sir. I have an idea. Raise your daughter like a normal father and then get her married to a bit of your choice. Then you will be able to acquire this property."

I didn't have the courage to hear more. I quietly left and went to your room. You were sleeping peacefully so I lifted you in my arms and decided to leave all this money behind. I only need you so I ran but maybe your father has noticed so he followed me in his car. We were caught. I was trembling in fear not for myself but for you. And he shows his real face that day. He put the gun on your head and almost pulled the trigger but his lawyer lifted his hand and you were saved. I fall on his legs and begged for your life then only he spared your life but on one condition.

"Kiara will marry the guy whom I will ask her to marry else I will kill her in front of your eyes." I agreed to save your life and after that, he never leaves a chance to scare me. I'm sorry Kiara I was helpless. I didn't have the courage to fight and I had no one by my side to help me but now you are a grown up now. Run! Run away from here where no one could recognize you. I will handle situations here. I have already lived my life now it's your turn to live. Run away, my daughter.

Kiara's POV

"We will figure out something mom. I can't leave you alone after hearing all this. I know everything will be all right. Now let's get ready today is my engagement." She hugged me and started crying like a kid. I consoled her and locked myself in the bathroom. I needed some time to digest this new information about my dad.

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