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"Kiara come here"

"Yes, dad. You want something."

"Yes, this is your engagement ring. Pretty isn't it?"

"Yes, dad. It's your choice so it is obviously very beautiful."

"I know that. See I am your father. I won't choose any bad guy for you. Ashwin is really nice. Give him a chance and I'm sure you will love him. Everyone has a past. So don't judge him on the basis of his past."

"Yes, dad I'm sure he is a nice guy. Don't worry I will marry him. Good night." I said and left for my room. I was afraid that even if a single teardrop would have been shed in front of him he would have shown his dark/true side.

I came into the balcony of my big room and started looking outside. Even birds are luckier than me. At least they have their own freedom to go anywhere and choose a partner of their own choice and here I am bounded in invisible chains which don't even let me move in my own house freely.

Ashwin! The man whom I'm supposed to love and respect for the rest of my life. Does he really deserve that? He doesn't even know the meaning of these words. Love for him is money. Will I be able to forget ever that he actually killed his own child?

(One year back)

"Richard, help me Ashwin is in jail and I don't know what to do. You have to help him as he is going to be your son - in - law." Vina Singhania's panicked voice could be heard in the whole corridor. Her only son was arrested.

"Don't panic I'll handle the case. But first, tell me what are the charges. Who has filed the complaint?" My dad said while closing the door

"A few months back he had hooked up with a girl and she became pregnant. From that day she had been forcing Ashwin to marry her. Now that she has given birth to a baby she has filed a case against my son. That cheap girl is trying to spoil my son's future. My son is innocent Richard please help him."

"Of course I will help him, dear. After all, he is the one whom I have selected for Kiara. Don't worry he will be back before evening. I'll take care of both the case and that girl." This was the voice of my father.
He had no problem with my future husband sleeping around with girls and even making them pregnant.

As my father promised Ashwin was out of jail within hours. He had bribed police to shut down the case and even evidence was destroyed.

"I'm sorry uncle. That was a mistake. I was not in my senses and that girl took advantage of me. Trust me I love Kiara so much. Kiara, please don't hate me just because of this incident. I will make up for you." Ashwin was trying to convince me

"What will you do Ashwin? Whether you like it or not but you are a father now. You have to marry that girl and give her all respect she deserves I will not marry you now."

"But Kiara.." he was stopped in the middle

"Go to your room, Kiara. You will not decide whom will you marry. It will my decision. And about that girl, I will take care of her." My father was still by his side.

When I read the next day's newspaper I was stunned, was fainted to be more precise. That girl who filed the case against Ashwin was found dead in her own apartment along with her child. There was a picture of both mother and son covered in blood. The child's body was unable to recognize as he was barely a month old. Tears started pouring down eyes after seeing that horrible scene. Just then I saw Ashwin coming towards me.

"What? Don't tell me you really thought that I will marry that b***h. I will marry a single girl and that is you, Kiara. No one can stop me from marrying you and if anyone ever tried to come between us he will have to pay price by giving his life. You are mine Kiara don't ever try to leave me." He whispered near my neck


I sighed. I still remember that picture that described the pain of the poor girl. She died and no one cared for her, not even her parents. Who will care for a girl who slept with a guy before marriage and worse of all she gave birth to his child. When her parents came to know about her pregnancy they kicked her out of the house and even refused to attend her funeral. This is how our society works. If a girl gets pregnant before marriage then she is a sl*t and if she ain't give birth to a healthy child after marriage then she is infertile. Our society opposes love marriages but expects couples to love after marriage. That girl died that day but Ashwin is still the most eligible bachelor.

"Kiara wake up. What are you doing here? Are you alright."I slowly opened my and noticed my mom. I slept the whole night on the balcony's floor. With so many thoughts occupying my head, I didn't notice when I fall asleep.

"I'm okay mom. I'm getting late for college. Let me get ready." I kissed her cheek and shut the door of the bathroom. Although I was not at all excited about going to college because of yesterday's incident still I get ready and left for college.

"Good morning beautiful. You became a star in just one day. Not bad."

"What are you saying, Nitin? At least for once talk like real humans."

"All he means to say that after yesterday's incident no one is going to bother you, us, as we were also with you. Everyone is trying to avoid us as if we are some kind of pests. God, how will I find a date now?"

"You can count on me, baby." Nitin again started with his flirty nature and Lee stuck her tongue out in return.

"Hey, you want to see your terror. Hey you, yes you in pink shoes. No one told you that you have to wear black shoes in college." Lee eyed a pretty girl. She was my senior. Before I could say anything she started apologizing.

"Sorry, ma'am I will keep that in mind."

"No sorry. You have committed a mistake and now you will face punishment. Remove your shoes and walk barefoot the whole day." Without a single thought, she removed her shoes and left. Lee winked. She was really enjoying this. After this Lee and Nitin gave stupid punishments to many students and no one objected. The guy's who tried to bully us yesterday changed their path on seeing us.

"Why are you not doing anything Kiara. Let's have some fun. These seniors have made us do many terrible things on the first day. It's time to pay back." Lee complained. She was really into this.

"Okay Okay let me find my prey," I said and looked in all directions. There was a guy sitting on his bike reading something. I call him and he ignored it. I again call him again. Now started walking towards us.

"We have not seen him before, right Nitin. He was not with the guys doing ragging. Whom you called Kiara. His physique is scaring me."

"C'mon we have Nitin with us. He is also not a kid. Right?" Nitin's face lit upon hearing this.

"What do you want." That guy asked. There was something special in his voice."What is your name?"

"Why would you care."

"You have to answer me when I ask a question."

"Why so?"

"Don't you know who I am." That guy was making me crazy

"That doesn't matter. Don't disturb me again if you have nothing important to say. Got it." He left just like that.

"Whoa! He is really weird and scary." Lee was visibly shocked

"I'm not going to leave him so easily. Nitin find his details. I will make him dance to my beats." That guy surely has pissed me.

When bad girl meets the mystery guyWhere stories live. Discover now