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"Don't worry he will not tell. What will he tell anyway? That his future wife rejected him when he tried to kiss her. I'm sure he will not make fun of himself." He winked. His words give me a hope, I can sleep peacefully.

A question was bothering me since I left the restaurant. Why did I push Ashwin when he tried to kiss me? Even when I know that he is going to be my future husband. On the other hand when Kartik kissed me I didn't pushed him. I didn't even said a single word to him. It was like some special feeling, something strange happened with me when he kissed, something which I never felt before. But when Ashwin tried to kiss me I felt disgusted, like it will be wrong if I let him kiss me. If today Kartik would have been in Ashwin's place, would I had pushed him too?  Gray didn't let me think much as we reach the house in no time.

"I'm scared Gray. What if he had told dad?" I was scared of entering my own house.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen."

I entered the house scared of facing my father but as always fate didn't favoured me. There he was sitting on the couch in the living room. There was no place where I could hide. I took fast steps to my room so that I could avoid unnecessary conversation with him but his voice made me stop.

"How was your date, Kiara. I hope you enjoyed the evening?"

"Yes dad I did enjoy. Everything was just awesome."
"See I told you that Ashwin is a nice guy and you will definitely enjoy his company. Spend some time with him and you will see yourself how much he loves you."

"Yes dad I know he will be a good husband. Good night dad." I took a sigh of relief only when I reached my room. I was still scared that my father will come from nowhere and punish me.

Now I hate that monkey more. What he thinks that if we are engaged then he got rights to do anything with me. I had a sudden urge to pull my hair after remembering those scenes. I don't know how I controlled myself from putting a fork in his eyes when his eyes stared my whole body in that lusty dress. His eyes always make me feel naked inspite of wearing clothes. Clothes! Yes this dress, that jerk bought this for me right. Now I will show him it's real place. I removed that dress and tore it in two pieces and walked towards the dustbin. I feel light hearted after throwing that dress in the dustbin. I turned to leave but then I saw something in the balcony which made my blood froze in an instant. A pair of dark brown eyes was fixed on me. I ran towards the switchboard and switched on the lights but when I turned again there was no one. I changed myself in a night dress and lie down on bed but only after double checking the balcony's door.

"Don't fall in my trap, you will regret this closeness later" all I noticed was his intense stare on my face. Those brown eyes were enough to caste a magical spell, and I wanted to become a victim.

"I don't take advices from the strangers." I relied while trying to touch his face

"This stranger can be very dangerous." And he vanished before my hand could feel his warmth


When I wake up in the morning I was confused about two things.
First - Why Kartik is coming on my dreams every single day
Second - Was I hallucinating when I saw a pair of eyes in my balcony.
I shrugged my head to get rid of all thoughts and started getting ready for college. I have to practise hard to learn guitar, with Kartik.

"Fantastic Kiara I knew you would learn guitar faster then anyone else. Just work a little bit harder and you will be ready for the competition." Professor said when I played the tune perfectly without any break. After all the lessons were pretty good

"Thanks sir. I learned it long back and now it is helping me." I looked towards Kartik for some kind of appreciation but as always be proved me wrong with his plain face.

When bad girl meets the mystery guyWhere stories live. Discover now