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It was dark. The room seemed so bare under the black hue of the night but once you had a glimpse of light you could reveal how tightly packed it was with oddities lining the walls, floor, corners of the room, even the ceiling. Yet as she awoke the palms of her hands opened. Stretching each of her fingers out with her eyes still shut tight in the silence. Her sense of touch began to examine the place she was sitting. Willows legs stretched out under what felt to be a blanket as she sat up. Her hands slowly grazed down the outer shell keeping her warm. Fur? A fur blanket maybe? Hard to tell if it was real, but it didn't matter right now. The real question being: 'Where the hell am I?"

It took her a short couple of minutes to process what time of day it was but as her head turned towards a window she could see the stars lining the city sky. Distant car honks echoed from beyond the glass pane. Finally the girl shoved the blankets off her and turned her legs over the edge of the bed. It was really tall and she determined this by the fact her legs dangled there. Her eyes blinked but as she felt her face the framed glasses she knew too well were gone. Although what's the point anyways? Willow wouldn't even be able to use her eyes it was so damn dark. Luckily she wasn't too afraid of the dark. After living a life partially blind, she felt no fear against the unseen of the world. That's why she proceeded and hopped off the bed with a quick push. Her feet hit the ground but she went tumbling with a yelp. A sudden pain shooting up her side as she clenched her teeth hard together. On the bright side she determined something else about this room. Her head was the first thing to actually be introduced to this other detail, but yes! The floor was, in fact, hard wood.

This was the only true moment that Willow finally began to remember vaguely what happened to her. The gunshot replaying in her mind and the look of the stubby mans face. Green... something? If she could recall the name she heard correctly. God if only. Knowing the name of the attacker would be useful if she ever managed to get out of here and report her incident to the GCPD.

Wait. GCPD?

Her head wrapped around the idea but when the scene plays again? they really didn't do shit to stop those lunatics. Was that how she got here? If she would of stayed still and waited longer maybe someone would of done something... yet. Maybe she was safe. Maybe the GCPD found her and brought her here. It had to be true right?

A muffled groan slipped from her mouth and she sat up from the floor. Feeling her side once more it seemed to be bandaged up. Odd. Why would the police place me all alone in a room with a gunshot wound. Why not an actual hospital. With a nurse, or at least another patient behind a curtain. Thats when all of a sudden the image floated up of the men closing in. The flecks of red hair sat atop a blurry head when she passed out last.

That's when Willow panicked.

Quickly picking herself up off the floor she stumbled through the dark latching onto any wall, dresser, or surface to guide her. And when she finally reached a doorknob her hands didn't hesitate to open the giant barrier. Soon searching for another wall she found a switch and quickly turned it on. Blinking to a bright light, which didn't seem to phase her so much. I mean, she already was decently hard with vision. Which took her back to the question. 'Where is my glasses?' Her head shook to the thought. Probably long gone by now anyways. Although to her surprise her eyes could make out the image before her. A blurry figure swayed back and forth copying her movements. Her arm lifted. It's arm lifted. Her head turned, its head turned. She must've been in a bathroom because she could now confirm this was a mirror. Willow never thought that she was capable of anything without her damn glasses but honestly, she felt pretty damn powerful to even be standing here. All that confidence though was soon washed away by fear when a loud thud and yelling shot out from beyond the walls. Fear was back.

Her hands reaching for the door again she quickly shut it and turned feeling for the shower door. Opening it up she closed it behind her and sat down inside the shower with her ear to the wall. 'Just stay silent' she kept repeating in her head while still acknowledging the presence on the other side. Here's the most of what she caught through the walls:

"What a rush!" A short cackle fallowed after this devious voice.

"Ah, shut your trap momma's boy" This was once more familiar...

"Oh cheer up GreenWood! It's not like you could've done better with such an entrance..."

'Greenwood'  The name came back and Willow forced herself away from the shower walls. She wasn't safe. She knew this now. Quickly trying to think she stood up as fast as possible but hit her head hard on some sort of shelf hanging right below the shower head. Shampoo bottles falling out into the tub.
"Shit!" She scuffle about trying to find the door to climb out. That's when another door slammed closed beyond the bathroom. They knew she was up.

Her heart pounding. Luckily the bathroom door was closed but she had known she never locked it behind her. Actually to be honest? Willow had no clue if it even had a lock... never really checked. What a shame.

A hand gripped the outside of the bathroom door and pushed it open letting it slam against the wall. She covered her mount to mask her breathing while standing behind the shower door. That's when it finally set in. It was silent. The bathroom light was on. God why did she leave it on?! Her skin growing pale from anxiety she felt herself holding back to speak. Swallowing hard to the silence...

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of a blade of some sort ringed against the sink head. Someone was tapping it.

Tap. Tap. Tap.... tap...

It stopped. She heard the door creak. Waited a few minutes and reached one arm around the shower door to climb out. The moment her head peeked from behind it they grabbed her. Tugging her out by her arm and wrapping an arm around her tightly. He pressed Willow against him making her face forwards to the mirror as she felt a cold blade lightly graze under her neck. Tears welled up and she couldn't say anything. Her voice replaced with heavy shaky breaths.

"Quit crying." The voice was quiet and she felt his hot breath against her neck and ear. Making her tilt her head with a chill going down her spine.

"I said quit!" He snarled a bit more grasp in his voice as he pressed the blade closer to her body. She did what she could to gather herself and sucked up some more air. He let out a cackle much like a rabid hyena. His breath hitting her neck once again. "Good girl!" He applauded with more laughter in a bright eerie tone. His lower arm wrapping around her loosened but Willow didn't move a muscle. It was probably a good idea anyways with that blade still at her neck like some sort of shock collar. As her vision finally dried up from tears she tilted her head up to the mirror. The tall figure seemed to be reaching for something but by the looks of it? His hair? It was... 'Red?'

Of course it was. Of course this wasn't the GCPD, and of course no one would even know where the hell she was. Luckily all this thinking made her go blank. She couldn't even cry anymore as he finally seemed to be pulling something up to her face.

Her glasses.

Her vision becoming more clear she blinked taking another deep breath and he pushed the hair from her face before gripping her once again with his free hand...

This couldn't be.

His grin was wide. It was horrid. Willow couldn't even look him in the eye. No. Instead the girl looked at her own reflection...

She never believed her damn life could get any worse than it was now as she gleamed to the blood sprawled across her lips making her look as if she was smiling. She wasn't. No, she now doubted every comparison she made to the "Down below" as some labeled it. Being here was Hell. She would never use this term again to explain something mainly because? It was real this time...

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