//Charity Art// 1

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Hell. The definition of it was audible enough to explain considering everywhere someone went they knew there was one person who considered the location "Hell" wether it was true or not, an example of this would be something along the lines of "This place is Hell! Or. Waiting in line is Hell!" In which they compared their situation to something so terrible. Yet for Willow, this term was used so often for her that she forgot its true meaning. She never believed her damn life could get any worse than it was now as she gleamed to the blood sprawled across her lips making her look as if she was smiling. She wasn't. No, she now doubted every comparison she made to the "Down below" as some labeled it. Being here was Hell. She would never use this term again to explain something mainly because? It was real this time...

She stood so still in front of the glistening pane. Shining back against her as if it showed the better side of her. The figure in this pane was short for someone their age. A plain dull colored gray sweater, an old pair of simple jeans, two leather boots on each foot, the only really reasonable and noticeable attribute of this girl was her eyes. They shined the odd colors from both sides. Being cursed with Heterochromia is what they called it, others called it freaky, and some would beg to have such colors of eyes. The left being blue and the right a dark brown. Although who would ever wish for such an odd gene if all it caused was shitty vision? Thus explains the thick black glasses she hid them under. Framing her face that was delicate and slightly covered by a few dark brown bangs. Her short pixie cut styled hair was pushed off to the side in some sort of swoop. Some referred to this as cute, others said she should grow it out. She felt indifferent. Brushing long hair was a pain so at least she had one excuse to give.

Her hands lightly grazed the bottom of the sweater tugging it down. She blinked to her reflection finally within the blurry mirror and pulled the glasses back to her face.
"You got this..." A hesitant breath escaped as she flattened her sweater another time with the palms of her sweaty nervous hands. Today would be the day they announced the gazettes art contest winner for the Company's new centerpiece in the main building. The winner gaining a check that would be donated to the GCPD under their name to help support the idea of getting more cops on the streets and cleaning up the issues beyond the safety of homes.
This was an issue she actually didn't care for too much. All she wanted was to have the grace of being able to say her art was the large centerpiece everyone looks at when they entered the damn building. It would be a new step up from simple school projects and a pointless art class going over "How to Paint" a million times.

Her chin was  held high when her phone buzzed and she scrambled to grab it from the bed. Somewhere buried into her covers. Finally tugging it out her stomach churned when she read the text.

'Get out here it's time to go!'

Willow gathered her things shoving them in the small green satchel she hung from her shoulder. Quickly running out of her room and towards the front door. Guilt took over though and her head glanced to the large white and black spotted Great Dane on the couch with a toy to knaw on. Rushing over she hugged the large canine as it let out a snort. A laugh escaping. "I'll be back to walk you. I promise Bentley!" She shook his head in her hands and he licked the salt from her palms before returning to his toy.

Jumping into the car the door slammed. "What took you so long?" A calm voice rang in her ear. Willow only caught her breath to look at the blonde haired girl. It was obvious they Were not related. "I needed some good luck from Bentley!" She laughed and buckled up. Her blonde friend shoved hair from her face and tucked it into a beanie where she had a messy bun hidden under. Although blonde strands hung from every corner of it.

"What is it with you and dogs..."

"They are better than people Sunny."

"Yes but they can't even talk!"


Willow grinned and they were already off through the streets in no time.

A/N- Hope you're liking this so far. Sorry the first chapter ain't much. More of only an introduction to Willow. Don't worry though. Jerome will make his way in soon! This isn't actually as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Some of my old fanfics from my last account were nothing like this and I often didn't write fanfics in general. Yet I have an addiction to Gotham and I fucking love Jerome with a passion. Normally most my story's it's easier for me to write for the male character but I would assume that's only because I'm a d00d, (dude, yes I can spell it...) or I just like imagining myself as them? Who knows. Eh, so this is a tad different but it's worth a shot! I'm not a fan of first person P.O.V but if you really want some just comment and I can throw a couple P.O.V parts every now and then. Bleh. Anyways. Enjoy! Next chapter will be posted later after I revise it!

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