Master Fu was king of all the gods, with his great wisdom, good heart, and ability to see all no one was more worthy to rule. But Fu was an old god who found it difficult to rule all parts of the world so he divided his rule between the two most powerful gods in the world. Gabriel god of the sky and Tom god of the sea. Both were good rulers who most of the time made good choices.
Eventually both gods decided to take a wife. Gabriel married Celine the beautiful and loving goddess of marriage and children. While Tom wed Sabine the gentle and kind goddess of harvest. It was not long before both wives were with child, now it was a tradition that before a goddess gives birth she must visit Fu who will predict the future of their unborn child.
For Tom and Sabine it was good news but for Gabriel and Celine it wasn't what they expected. Fu predicted that Celine was pregnant with a god of death and destruction.So Gabriel had a palace built in the Underworld and sent his wife to live there for the remainder of her pregnancy. There she gave birth to a son called Adrien. She loved her child but hated to keep him hidden away in the dark but the boy didn't mind much because he had his mother. But when Adrien became a young man his father insisted that Celine return to the surface world to continue her duties.
"He's not a child anymore Celine." Gabriel said. "The mortals need you to bless their marriages and ensure that their children are born healthy. You must return."
"But he'll be all alone must we have him stay in the underworld?"
"We all have our duties and Adrien is a man now, it's time for him to begin balancing the world of life and death."
So Celine reluctantly left her beloved son to live alone in the dark underworld however Gabriel sent huge amounts of grand treasure which Adrien used to built a strong and powerful kingdom. Yet despite this he was still lonely especially now that his mother was gone and the only people who came down there were the souls of dead mortals and his servant Plagg. One day he couldn't take it anymore and decided to go up to the world of the living.
"I'm sure if no one knows I'm the god of death and destruction there's no harm in being here." He said.
"Hey dude, what's up." The young man froze and turned to see another man, a god obviously due to his gold aura. Adrien recognized him for what the dead mortals talked about him. He was Nino god of wine and celebrations. A tan skinned man with thick brown locks and amber eyes wearing a crown of grape vines. "I'm on my way to a harvest festival, care to join?"
"Sure." He said jumping at the chance for some excitement.
From that moment on Nino and Adrien did everything together. They hunted, partied, drank, danced, and flirted a little from time to time. Although it was fun to have a friend he wanted more, he wanted a woman who would love him forever, he wanted a wife. Now despite being a god who lived in such gloominess he was extremely handsome which attracted many nymphs, mortals, and even a few goddesses.
One of which was Chloe goddess of beauty, probably one of the most magnificent looking women in all of the world. Men worshipped and adored the woman with her hair like gold and her body like sea foam, dressed in a gown spun from the bees and encrusted with diamonds. But she was spoiled, vain, and only interested in Adrien for his wealth. All she ever did was gaze into mirrors or talk about herself. She was unfaithful too, she pretty much fooled around with any good-looking man that came by. For instance, one time she was flirting Adrien and the next night she was caught in bed with Kim god of war.
Another was Lila goddess of magic and illusion. A mysterious and seductive sorceress who filled many men with lust and desire. She would seduce men into sleeping with her which they didn't refuse especially since she had such a slender body, rich chestnut hair, and flirtatious olive green eyes. However she was a very picky woman and if any of her lovers displeased her she would turn them into pigs. You see she didn't want just any man she wanted a god, a god of perfection. Adrien appeared to be exactly what she wanted but she only loved him for his looks. Not taking rejection well, she tried to turn him into a pig but Adrien was much more powerful than she was and he was able to over power her.
And of course there were the nymphs Aurore and Mirelle who were nice and quite lovely but nymphs would eventually grow old and die. If he was to ever marry it would have to be a goddess. But not one vain and unfaithful like Chloe or lustful and decitful like Lila. Someone kind, devoted, and loving like his mother was to his father. Then one day it happened...
It was harvest time and he was out walking in the fields when a woman dressed in a wheat colored gown appeared making fruits and other harvest goods grow from beneath the ground. Following behind her was a maiden with hair dark as night and bluebelle eyes that outshined the heavens above. She wore a silk pink gown and flowers in her midnight hair which made her appear even more beautiful. All day Adrien watched from a distance as the girl picked wild flowers and played with birds who chirped.
"Who is that?"
"Marinette." Nino answered. "Goddess of spring and creation."
"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He said lovestruck. "Nino I do believe cupid's arrow has pierced my heart."
"Don't even think about it dude. Her mother is the goddess of harvest and she has forbidden any man from coming near her except her father."
"Any man?"
"The woman has turned away any suitor who comes to call which is a shame since Marinette wants to get married."
"Really." He said smiling.
"Trust me dude, pursuing her is lost cause."
"Adrien!" It was Plagg, Adrien's faithful servant. "Oh thank goodness I found you. You're father wishes to speak with you."
"Oh great!" He groaned.
And so Plagg led his master to Mount Olympus to speak with his father the almighty god of the sky. There he sat on his thrown in his robes with sliver hair and steely eyes filled with anger. Sitting next to him was his wife with her sunshine hair and emerald green eyes which were always filled with love and understanding, wearing a blue gown and a silk veil.
"Yes Father?"
"Adrien I have been told that you have been leaving the underworld, is that true?" Gabriel said.
"Yes Father."
"You know very well you are forbidden to leave the underworld!" He thundered.
"Now Gabriel-" Celine said.
"Stay out of this Celine!"
"Well ever since you made Mother leave I've been alone with no one to talk to..except Plagg but he's not a good listener."
"Your mother has godly duties she must attend to."
"I don't care! I refuse to live in eternal darkness alone!"
"Adrien stop being such a child! You're place is in the underworld making sure people die when it's their time and that they move on to the right place. It is your responsibility!"
"No! I won't go least no without something."
"What? Whatever you want, it's yours if you go back."
"I want a wife."
"Easily done."
"Not just any wife. I want Marinette."
Gabriel nearly choked on his ambrosia. "Marinette? You? Marry her? Impossible!"
"Then I'll never go back to the underworld!"
"But her mother Sabine would never allow any man to marry her daughter let alone the god of death and destruction."
"I will only accept her."
"Oh come now Gabriel I'm sure Marinette will make a perfect wife." Celine agreed. "She's loving and compassionate not mention exceptionally beautiful, who better for our son?"
Gabriel thought for a moment and an idea came to him.
"Okay I have an idea. Now do you really want Marinette to be your wife?"
"More than anything."
"Then do exactly what I tell you."

Winter and Spring
RomanceMarinette is the goddess of spring and creation, sheltered in a land of eternal sunshine and flowers by her mother the goddess of harvest who adores her. Though she loves her mother, she often dreams of being held in the arms of a man who will love...