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Up above earth, Sabine searched everywhere for her daughter. High and low, near and far but the young girl was no where on earth.

"Did you find her?" Sabine asked Alya.

"No and I've checked every forest on earth."

"Oh my poor child! Where could she be?"

After months of looking she went to see Wayzz, Fu's kwami servant who saw anything that happened on earth.

"Wayzz, I beg you! Please tell me where my daughter is." She pleaded.

"Your daughter is alive and she is in the underworld."

"The underworld?! What is she doing there?"

"Adrien God of death and destruction fell deeply in love with her so his father Gabriel God of the sky gave him permission to take the girl to his kingdom to make her his bride."

"How dare he!"

Sabine immediately called upon her husband Tom God of the sea and when his wife told him what had become of their daughter he stormed up to Mount Olympus.

"Gabriel! How dare you give your son permission to kidnap my daughter!"

"And marry her off to him without consulting me first!" Sabine added.

"Like you would have agreed." Gabriel said. "You don't let any young man come near her."

"That doesn't give you the right to do what you did." Tom said. "You may control the sky and the heavens but I control the earth, the seas, and what happens to my daughter!"

"I'm sorry Tom but my son absolutely refused to preform his godly duties unless he had her as his wife."

"Then I shall not preform my godly duties until Marinette is returned." Sabine declared.

"You can't be serious!"

"I am! Until Marinette comes back to me I shall not let one thing grow on earth." She vowed.

"Oh goodness no!" Celine gasped. "Sabine I understand your pain and that my husband was wrong to tell our son to take your daughter but surely we can settle this without punishing the mortals."

"Forgive me Celine but if your proud husband refuses to give me back my child then I'll see to it he has no pride left."

True to her word, Sabine didn't let anything grow. Every plant withered away and died leaving the earth to become a barren land. When the mortals couldn't bring Gabriel anymore offerings he thundered in rage.

"Are you mad woman?!" He roared.

"I told you I wouldn't let anything grow. Now will you give Marinette back?"

"No! Adrien needs her more than you do!"

"Gabriel! The mortals are starving they'll soon be dead! we can't keep this up anymore." Celine said. "We must find another solution to this."

"What solution? Sabine! I command you to cease this foolishness!"


"Stupid woma!"

"Don't talk to my wife like that!" Tom shouted. "I'll flood your palace if you ever speak to her in such away again!"

"Enough!" A voice thundered. Fu entered Mount Olympus on a chariot and he did not look pleased. "What on heaven and earth is going on here?! I leave earth for a year to take care of celestial business and I return to find the sky thundering, seas raging, nothing is growing, and the mortals are starving to death!"

"Sabine refuses to let anything grow!" Gabriel said.

"Only because Gabriel gave his son permission to kidnap our daughter and marry her!" Tom defended.

"Gabriel is this true?"

"Yes but Adrien was in love with her and the boy refused to preform his duties unless she married him."

"Still you had no right whatsoever to make that decision." He said. "I can't believe this. I choose you two to rule the earth when I'm away and here you are acting like godly children. I swear I've seen nymphs more mature."

"Master if I may say." It was Plagg. "Adrien is very kind to Marinette. He loves her and she loves him. They're very happy together."

"Hmm..." Fu began to think until an idea came. "I'm sorry Gabriel but the lives of the mortals come first. Plagg tell your master to send Marinette back to her mother."

"Very well." He sighed.

"But before you go I want you to give Adrien a few instructions for me." He then began whispering something to Plagg.


Adrien yawned and stretched as dawn broke. He turned to his sleeping wife and planted a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and opened her eyes to see her husband's loving face.

"Good morning." He said.

"Morning." She replied. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. I sleep well every night since you've come into my life."

"Oh Adrien."

They kissed and cuddled closer to each other.

"Um Adrien. A word?" Plagg said.

"Excuse me my love." Adrien told her.

He followed his servant into another room.

"I bring news from Fu he insists you give Marinette back to her mother."

"What? But she is my wife!"

"And Sabine is your mother in law! She refuses to let anything grow, the mortals will all die and you can't defy Fu."

"No I can't but I'm sure Sabine will never let me see her again and I know I will die without my wife."

"Fu did give me a solution to that problem."

"What is it?"

"He said to have her eat a few pomegranate seeds then she'll have come back to you weather Sabine doesn't like it or not."

"You think that will work?"

"Fu has never been wrong before, well except one time."

"Alright then."

Adrien took a pomegranate from one of the dead trees and went back to Marinette. When he told her the news she was furious.

"My mother can't just force me to leave you! I love you." She said.

"I love you too but we can't defy Fu."

"But I might never see you again."

"Don't fear that my darling. Here." He cut the pomegranate in half and offered her a few seeds. "Eat these and someday we will see each other again but only if that's what you want."

"There is nothing I want more than to be with you." She are the seeds then she packed up her things and reluctantly Adrien took her back to the surface world. She kissed him goodbye and left to find her mother with only the ring on her finger as a reminder of her husband.

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