Chapter 1

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"Jyugo! Come play with me! Please?" (Y/n) (l/n), age 6, ran to her friend, Jyugo, age 7,(not sure how old he is in the picture) handing him a soccer ball as he just sat there hugging his knees.

"No thanks. I don't wanna play."

"Aww.. Why not?"

"I just don't wanna play today, okay?" Jyugo turned away, still hugging his knees.

"..okay." (Y/n) looked down and started kicking the ball around. It would've been more fun to play with Jyugo. But (Y/n) continued kicking the ball around until she saw a small bouncy ball sitting outside of the cell that she and Jyugo shared.

"Pretty!"(Y/n) smiled as she went to reach for the ball but it was too far away.

"Aw it's too far. But I really want the ball.. Jyugo?"


"Can you get that ball for me please? Your arms are longer than mine."


"Aw okay.. Excuse mr. Guard man?"

"What is it?" A guard walks over.

"I want the ball. Can I have it please? I'm too small to reach it."

"Why don't you ask your friend over there?"

"He doesn't wanna get it. And I don't wanna bother him."

"Oh alright.."

The guard picks up the little ball and hands it to (Y/n). She takes the ball and the guard walks away.

"Thank you!" (Y/n) begins playing with the ball and bounces it. Suddenly the ball accidentally bounces away from her and bounces in Jyugo's direction.

"-gasp- uh-oh!"

The ball He bounces off the wall and then hits Jyugo in the head.

"Ow! What did you do that for?! I said I don't wanna play!" Jyugo yells and throws the ball at her really hard. The ball hits her leg and she falls over.

"Ow!-sniff-" (Y/n) starts to sob softly and Jyugo keeps his back turned. Soon she begins to cry.

"Stop crying, will you?"

(Y/n) continues to cry. Jyugo begins to feel bad and he crawls over to her.

"Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Forgive me?"

"-sniff- mhmm."

"Good. Now stop crying, okay?"


"If you want, I'll play with you now." Jyugo picks up the soccer ball and (Y/n) smiles.


Jyugo and (Y/n) get up and move to opposite sides of the cell. Jyugo kicks the ball to her and they start kicking the ball back and forth. Then (Y/n) picks up the ball when it's kicked to her.

"What's the matter?" Jyugo tilts his head to the side.

"I wanna make this game more interesting."

"I didn't think it was an actual game..."

(Y/n) picks up the small ball and throws it to Jyugo and he catches it.

"Okay. So you have to throw the ball to me and I have to kick the soccer ball to you. Then you have to pick up the soccer ball and throw it to me while I kick the small ball to you. Got it?"

"Got it. Is there like a challenge or something?"

"Yes. We have to do it at the same time."

"Aw that's gonna be hard."

"That's why the game will be more interesting. Ready. Set. Go!"

Jyugo throws the ball as (Y/n) kicks the soccer ball. The cycle goes on for at least 30 minutes until they both run out of breath.

"Wanna keep going?" (Y/n) asks with a smile.

"Lemme take a break first! I'm dying here!" Jyugo giggles as he says that. He sits back down and (Y/n) sits next to him.

"See? You really did wanna play with me today."

"I didn't. I wanted you to feel better and stop crying and stop being sad."

(Y/n) giggles and hugs Jyugo.


"No! No huggies! Nooooo!"

"Tee hee hee!"
Aw how cuteUm. I just decided to write a Jyugo X Reader story and I hope the first chapter was good. Thanks for reading!

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