Chapter 2

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a/n: Fixed that one dialogue that had gone missing in the previous chapter.

Their semester break was for two weeks. Arthit was going to catch a bus two days after his break started. He wanted to spend the weekend nights with his friends. Kongphob was leaving on the last day itself.

As soon as the third year's meeting with their teachers regarding future projects and prospectus was over, Arthit rushed to Kongphob's flat when he reached. The younger boy's door was locked. Arthit immediately called him. Had he left? Had Arthit missed him?

The phone kept ringing till the operator in their monotonous voice said 'the number you are dialling is not answering at the moment..' Arthit hung up. His phone started ringing and he immediately picked it up.

"Hello", he gushed.

"Ai'Arthit, where are you? We are suppo-"

Oh. "Ai'Prem."


"Uh, sorry. I will be back after taking a shower."

"You went back to your dorm?" Arthit could hear Bright and Toot shouting expletives at him in the background.

Arthit ran a hand through his hair. "Yea. I'll be there in an hour."

"Oka-" It was Bright speaking next. "You better come back quickly, Asshole or, I'll finish all your fav drinks."

Arthit chuckled. "Yea, yea. Try and touch my stuff."

Bright got cut off by Prem. "Hey, just come quickly. We will talk after you come back." and the line went dead.

Arthit gave one last look at the door and left for his apartment.

When Arthit woke up next afternoon with Toot and Knot on top of him, his head was pounding from hangover and less sleep. He tried to shove his friends off him, earning a kick to his head from Bright who was sleeping diametrically opposite to them. Arthit was pushed back as soon as he tried to get up. Frustrated, he lay like that till he fell asleep again.

Arthit woke up again in the evening. Thankfully this time, there was no one lying on him. He sighed in relief. Arthit searched for his phone. Then he recalled he had shoved it under the bed before going off to sleep.

"Are you finally awake, Sleeping Prince?" Bright was sitting on a chair in the corner and Arthit startled. He thought there was no one in the room.

"Where are the others?" Arthit asked and yawned. 

"Ai'Knot went to drop Ai'Toot at the station." Arthit scratched his head, trying to get a focus of the room through his bleary eyes.

"What about Ai'Prem?" Arthit looked at Bright. "Wait. Ai'Toot went?"

"Yea. He is going out on a weekend trip with his new boyfriend."

Arthit frowned. "What the fuck? We are here and he left? What about us?"

"What, you want a boyfriend?"

Arthit scowled. "Since when does Ai'Toot have a boyfriend?" He couldn't recall Toot mentioning anything about dating anyone, let alone a relationship.

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