
15 2 1

I feel like I've poured out all that is within me.

I feel naked as I sit on the couch, all my secrets clawed out of me. My eyes are red rimmed and my lips are swollen.

It feels good to open up to somebody in the least, and this lady seems like a really caring person. She kinda reminds of my grandma.

"So you know that you're loved right?"


"And you know that there are so many people rooting for you."


"Then I guess we're done here."

She ushers me outside the room and closes the door.

I'm supposed to see her again this Wednesday, and honestly, I'm actually looking forward to it.

Counselling doesn't seem like such a bad idea anymore.

I manage to catch a train back to my university. There, I decide to treat myself to an iced lemon tea as I finish up a bit of my coursework.

There are people rooting for you. You are loved. Remember that.

I grin to myself, knowing that people will see me and think I'm a weirdo, but I don't care anymore, because I have decided to accept myself, with all my flaws and imperfections.

I lean back in my chair and let my thoughts take me away, not trying to fight it anymore.

Accept. Embrace. Conquer.

These are the words that I have decided to base my life on, for I know that I have it in me, that I can live this life to the max, even with my anxiety and depression, I can make full use of this time I have here on this Earth.

I can not only run the race, but I can complete it with flying colours, having no regrets in my decisions.

Sunlight gently kisses my skin, making me all tingly from the warmth I am feeling inside.

I guess life really isn't what it seems to be.

It's just up to you to define what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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