Chapter Three - Class

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Unfamiliar faces stare back at me as I take my seat in the back row.

The lecture hall is huge! I think to myself.

Murmurs from the students fill the air, making me feel uncomfortable. I avoid all eye contact and study the flyer on my table.

Safro University. We welcome you with open arms.

I remember when I just found out about this university a year back. I was so excited that it had the course I wanted and the fact that it is situated right outside of London. It was like a wish come true.

Well, her I am. Gotta cherish the moment.

I push the ad aside and fiddle with my hair.

There's a loose thread at the seam of my skirt. I tug at it.

The murmurs slowly turn into whispers when a stocky man walks down the aisle with a huge video camera under his arm.

He sets it on the teacher's table before us and glances through the hall. His eyes land on me and I quickly look away.

His loud sharp voice echoes through the hall.

"You may refer to me as Mr. Shield. I will be your main lecturer during this entire course."

He pauses to look at us.

"Welcome to Filmmaking 101."

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