Chapter Fourteen - help

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Death is imminent, to all.

There is probably not another saying truer than that.

Death is imminent, to all.

We are just taken away at different times. Some are taken earlier, some a little bit later.

Death was very imminent to Bree Arnett.

Now this saying, is truer than the one before, for Bree Arnett, had almost taken her life on the fourth of February.

Guess I flaked out on my own death.

I sit in a room, decorated in nothing else but posters of the human brain, and a couple of Beethoven bobble heads.

What were they thinking?

Before I continue apprehending the situation, a well-aged woman cracks open the door and enters the room.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Bree Arnett. Seventeen years old. Tried taking her life."

I stare at her.

What else does she know about me?

"You're lucky that your friend, Ada, found you just in time, or you would have been reduced to a bloody mess."

She eyes me up and down, like I'm some kind of plaything to her.

"I see that you're in London for university. Tell me, what's wrong?"

I hesitate whether or not trust her, but heck, she's a counsellor for heaven's sake, isn't that what she's supposed to do?

I mean there's nothing to lose, right? My life is already pretty effed up I guess.

I hold onto the fabric of the chair for support.

My mouth opens and I tell her everything.

My anxiety. My depression. My suicidal thoughts.


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