Chapter 1: Intro

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-Annoying alarm clock-

(a wild shoe flies and hits clock)

"Yes!!! My streak continues!"
Yup, that's me. My name is-

"Eliza! Get your butt downstairs or you'll be late!"

And, that's my mom. She's a super crazy latin woman, who married my dad, two years later they had twins, my brothers Andrew and André. To this day we still don't know what came over them to name them like that.

(phone riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing)

Oh no. Here we go again. Guess who it is? The most annoying, obnoxious, superficial, and 'w'itchy girl in school.
My dearest best friend
(Notice sarcasm). I know, I know, I'm a monster for faking a friendship, but, C'mon! You haven't met her yet!

"GUUUUUUUUUUURL!!!! Where are you?!?!?! I've been like, waiting outside for like, FIVE MINUTES!!! Get yourself down here NOW! We NEED to make an entrance looking totally like, FAB!"

That's her. Missy Montgomery. I am Eliza Santos. We are the IT girls in school. The meanies, the bullies, the mean girls, all that. SHE actually likes it. I, on the other hand, hate it, I hate her and I hate bullying. I hate having sneak to the bathroom to eat my mamá's enchiladas and then going back to the cafeteria to eat some cardboard salads and water to 'watch my weight'. I'm getting pretty tired of being the mean girl's sidekick. I swear, one more beating to a nerd and I'm out. I just can't take it anymore. Being seen as a monster, the evil queen's magic mirror on the wall, the call us; The Judges, 'cuz if we say you're unpopular, you immediately are.
Well, let's get back to Queen 'W'itch.

"Hey Missy! I was just finishing up my granola bar! I'll be down there in a sec!"

"Hurry up!! We're gonna be like, super duper late ZaZa!"

I can't help but cringe EVERYTIME she calls me 'ZaZa'. Or when she says 'super duper'. I know, I'm a hater of girls like that, and I love it.

"Hey sis!"

Oh no, it's the Anders...

"Morning hug!" Suddenly two giants fall right in top of me.

"C..Can't... Breathe!"

"Dude get off! You're killing our baby sis!" Andrew yelled.

"Oh yeah? I ain't the one who left her like a pancake on the floor, fat ass!" André replied, obviously wanting to start a fight between the Anders, tipicall André, starting fights at 7:15 am. Wait, 7:15. Missy's been waiting for ten minutes now!
*Cue to song: It's the End of the World (as we know it)*

"Get off of me, slowpokes!" I quickly pushed them off and ran downstairs, grabbing some bacon and stuffing it into my pockets.

"Bye Mamá! Bye Papá! Bye Anders!"

"Bye Eli! have a nice day!" I hear my parents yell.

"We'll be watching you! stay away from boys!!" My brothers add in unison.

Yup, one hella yelling in my home, sweet home. I ran outside, slamming the door behind me shut.

"Hey, booty" Missy says, opening the car.

"Hey, Missy... Sorry for taking so long but my hair was wild and then my broth-"

"Bla, Bla, Bla, does it look like I care?" She says, rudely interru-

*checks for more interruptions*

Interrupting me, making me want to slam the door on her freshly coated pink fingernails.

"C...Can we just go before we're late?"

"Sure. All the gossip from Fat Ronda's Lipo probably already happened"

With that she rolled her eyes at me and started the car.


As we approached the school doors, two jocks simply opened the doors, almost bowing in front of us, well, Missy. As always, kids parted like the Red Sea to let us walk. But something, actually someone caught Missy's eye. It was a new kid, fresh meat, newbie, amateur. She didn't move to let us walk. She just kept walking in front of us. She must've thought everyone was backing away because of the new kid, but, man was she mistaken!

"Uh....I.Is it so weird to s..see a new kid?" She asked a girl on the front row,
sounding shy, maybe even scared.

"You better run" The girl answered, without missing a beat.

"Turn around newbie!" Someone yelled, you could feel the atmosphere turning dark, and you could cut the tension with a pair of scissors.

"H..Huh? W..What's happening?" She squirmed.

"Well, well, well. For a nerd, you sure haven't studied our school." Missy said, with a dumb smirk on her face. She found a new victim.

"H..H...Hi... My..My name is Linda..."
Maybe she thought that by introducing herself, maybe, just maybe she could blend into the crowd later. Again, so wrong.

"Do I look like I care about your name, dork?!?! But, you should know mine.
The most important name you'll ever have to learn. Missy Montgomery. DON'T forget it."

That yell send a shiver down my spine, probably everyone's in the hall. The poor girl looked like she was about to faint. She looked truly scared, but Missy loved it. I don't know what it was about this girl... Did she feel powerful
doing this? Did it boost her ego? Can she even sleep at night?!? I knew I had to break this off eventually.

"Mi...Missy let's go. Let's not waste anymore time with this... looser"

I spat out that last word. I felt despicable and idiotic. This is what I have to go threw every day, I can't even start to imagine how the girl must be feeling.

"You're right. My time is way to valuable to spend it with this low class looser. Buh bye, fresh meat. Better watch you back." She said, with a terrifying glare.

As we walked, Missy on front obviously, the girl slowly approached me, and whispered:

"I know what you were doing. Thank you... " I felt my heart warm up. So she didn't think I was a monster or a Missy-Wannabe.

"You're welcome. But beware of Missy, she won't quit after this little quarrel." I answered, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I'm Eliza by the way"

"I'm Linda" she said, smiling back.

We waved goodbye, not letting anyone see, and I went back to my RWF (resting witch face).

"Hurry up Za-Za!"

"Coming, Missy!"


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