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He was right in front of me.

He stood there with his arms out.

I ran to him.

I gave him a koala hug and he hugged back real tight.

"Hey cutie." I whispers in my ear.

"Hi." I said crying.

I looked a mess.

Thank god I didn't wear mascara, I knew this was going to happen.

He carried me to my bed and set me down.

"So tell me about yourself, where do you come from?"

He asked me smiling.

He sat beside me and he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Well, I live in Virginia with my mom. My dad died through cancer. He took me to see you once and I cried because I love you so much and you probably already know this but I have cancer."

I said looking into his hazel eyes.

"Tell me what your favourite colour is."

He said taking his shoes off and so did I.

We sat cross legged facing each other on my bed.

"My favourite colour is black."

I said whilst giggling.

"Favourite song?" He asked giggling to.

"Bingo." I said winking playfully.

"Ohh, do you like it? Well, I was going to ask you something, do you want to be in my new music video?

You know, since it's your favourite song? You can be the girl I'm singing to." 

He holding hands.

A tear feel down my face and he wiped it away.

"Of course!" I said hugging him.

Jacob decided to sit with me for an extra hour.

We seemed to get along really well.

We laid side by side on my bed talking about life.

I got to know all about him, I knew lots of what he was telling me anyway but some interesting things came out about him and I never knew.

Then I asked something I knew was too personal but I asked anyway.

"Have you ever dated one of the musically girls before?

You know like Loren? Luna? Ariel or Arii?" I say turning me head facing him.

He turns his body leaning his head on his hand.

"People always ask and I'm going to tell you something.

Loren and Mark are secretly dating, please don't tell anyone I told you.

Luna is just one of my friends and my manager asked her to be in my sweatshirt video so I was forced to hold hands and all that sappy stuff.

Ariel is too old for me, she's like an older sister and Arii?

Well, I don't really speak to her. So people call me a fuck boy, but I've never had a girlfriend since I had my first peck on the lips kiss in subway I told people about on YouNow."

He smiled showing her perfectly white, straight teeth.

"Woah, so you're not the typical fuck boy I thought you were sartorius."

I punch his shoulder playfully.

"Jacob, we have to go." I big man said.

He must be Jacob's bodyguard.

His smile soon faded.

He looked me in my eye.

He broke contact and said, "Okay let me just say goodbye." He says.

The man nods and smiles at us both.

My mom left ages ago because she had a party to go to.

"So- ummm, can I get your number please?" He asks me scratching the back of his neck smiling.

"Sure." I say with a smile.

His face brightens up.

We exchange numbers.

He puts his shoes back on and was about to walk out. He had his hand on the handle. He looked back at me...

black//JS {UNDER MAJOR EDITING}}Where stories live. Discover now