4 years ago

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Davina's pov

After I shatter the link between New Orleans and the ancestors, I'm engulfed in a bright light and I feel as I'm floating and I feel calm am I in peace? I thought looking around but I don't see anything it's just misty but I don't fear it so I walk through the mist to see if there's anything but frown as I see only more mist so with a sigh I close my eyes for what seems like 5 minutes when suddenly I feel something around me, magic I thought knowing what magic felt like but this magic was unfamiliar to me it felt safe something magic never was, I suddenly feel a warm sensation run through me making me feel whole again like I did before the ancestors tore my soul to pieces with the green stone. I frown as a tingly feeling flows through me and I watch as my magic runs up my arm, I start feeling confused as I have no idea what's happening, is this supposed to happen after you've had your soul torn apart? I'm supposed to have a fate worse than death but this is no way worse as I'm no longer in pain, it's as if I've been healed and put back together. A big loud flash happens and surrounds me in a quick motion before I could even react then it's pitch black for a second I'm a confused but then I hear the thump of my own heart beating and feel as if I'm suffocating so I feel around to see where I am only to be met by something cold and hard which frustrates me so I start banging my hands and feet against whatever the hell it is in an attempt to get out of wherever I am, I sigh in relief as my feet break the end letting light in so I slowly turn around and crawl out of the space I was in and scream as I fall out, I blink my eyes when I sit up and look around to see I'm in the cemetery which is all broken and pretty much turned to rubble, with a bit of a struggle I manage to get up on my feet while holding onto some big stone I then turn around and see my broken tomb did I just break out of my own grave but that's impossible I'm dead I thought unless I've somehow been ressurected but yet again that's impossible as my soul was shredded preventing me from ever being ressurected, I turn around and look around to see if anyone's watching me before speed walking out of the cemetery with my head down so no one will recognise me.

"I'm what?!" I scream at the nurse in disbelief, after I left the cemetery, I high jacked a car and drove out of New Orleans to avoid being seen by Marcel, Josh and Kol as I needed to know for myself what happened before telling them I'm alive miraculously anyway I drove to the nearest hospital outside of New Orleans to get check up and see if anythings been damaged and some tests were taken and the nurse had just come back with results, some very shocking results might I add, she said I'm pregnant "you're pregnant miss Claire" she said "how I don't understand" I say "well you get pregnant from having sex" she says as if I was stupid which I'm not as I know how you get pregnant but it's just impossible for me to be pregnant, I've only had sex once and that was with Kol but he's a vampire he can't reproduce like Klaus can but what if bringing Kol back with that ressurecting spell I used somehow made him able to reproduce, "I know that it's just me and my boyfriend were being very careful" I say obviously lying as Kol didn't need to wear protection as there was no chance he could get me pregnant but somehow he did "are you going to be alright miss?" I ask "yeah how far along am I?" I ask "3 months" she says "okay can I go?" I ask "sure just let me give you some vitamins to take for the baby" she says leaving the room, I gently place a hand on my stomach "my baby oh how you have shocked me little one" I whisper with small smile on my face just as the nurse comes back with a paper bag in hand which she hands to me"here you go dear have a nice day now" she says with a smile as I leave.

Right time to let Kol I'm alive and then tell him that he's gonna be a father I thought as I get in the car I high jacked earlier today.

I storm my way back to the car and slump into the driver's seat and cry as I couldn't find Kol anywhere, I've looked all over New Orleans for him, I did go to see Marcel but I heard some disturbing things about him so I changed my mind, Josh is nowhere to be found either it's like everyone I cared about vanished after I died, I need to find Kol I'm not having this baby without him I thought as I drove back out of New Orleans.


6 months later

I scream in pain as I continue to push. I'm currently in labour and giving birth to mine and Kol's child alone well not completely alone as the doctors here and so is my midwife but I still feel alone as I push with all my might to bring my child into this world "ahhhh!" I scream fisting the sheets "it's alright take deep breaths" says the midwife I try my best to breath in and out but the pain is unbearable

After one big push, the cry of a baby fills the room and I lay back in exhaustion with a small smile on my face as the pain is over "it's a boy!" The doctor shouts making a big smile break out on my face "a boy" I whisper as the midwife makes her way over to me with my son wrapped in a blue blanket and a white hat, I slowly sit up as she places him in my arms, I hold him gently as possible as I hold him close to me, I look down at my son in awe, he's so cute and he's mine and Kol's I thought with a smile as I stroke his cheeks "hi baby I'm your mommy and I love you so much" I whisper leaning down to kiss his forehead "do you have a name for your son?" The doctor asks "yeah I do Zander" I say with a smile while keeping my focus on my baby boy "last name?" The doctor asks "Mikaelson" I say "welcome to the world Zander Mikaelson" the doctor says with a smile


Welcome to the world indeed Zander Mikaelson I thought as he opens his eyes revealing brown eyes which are identical to his father's "I will never let anyone hurt you Zander" I say as he wraps one of his tiny hands around my pinky finger

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Welcome to the world indeed Zander Mikaelson I thought as he opens his eyes revealing brown eyes which are identical to his father's "I will never let anyone hurt you Zander" I say as he wraps one of his tiny hands around my pinky finger

That was the day Zander Mikaelson the son of Davina Claire and Kol Mikaelson was born

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