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Hayley's pov

So I've found the last incredient for the cure, now I just need a witch to wake the Mikaelsons up and then I can cure them and we can then rescue Klaus and be a proper family well at least I hope. Now to wake the Mikaelsons I can't just have any witch do it, I need a very powerful witch. I have Hope of course I just need another Witch because Hope is too young to do it on her own, speaking of Hope she enters the room with a piece of paper in her hand "what have you got there sweetie?" I ask as I look away from the ingredients for the cure "It appeared next to me" she says handing it to me so I can read it

Where are you

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, who sent this? Who is D? Perhaps a witch sent it here by accident "who's D mommy?" My little angel asks "um nobody this was sent here by accident" I say not entirely knowing what to tell her "okay" she says before skipping back to her toys

2 days later

I finally found a witch her name's Rocky she's quite a powerful witch not as powerful as Freya but she'll do, now I haven't told her who I need her to wake up as those details don't matter and I know if I told her that she'd be waking the Mikaelsons she would immediately say no so I did what I had to do.

Kol's pov

I feel a sudden painful feeling in my neck causing me to spring up gasping and clutching at my neck but I'm held down by someone and some type of liquid is spilled into my mouth, a few minutes later I feel the pain fade making me calm down and I begin to to slowly open my eyes and see Elijah standing next to me, he must of been the one to hold me down "what just happened?" I ask in a slight daze "we're awake and cured" said Freya but I ignore her and look at Rebekah "how long have we been out?" I ask "4 years" she replies "4 years bloody hell it felt like forever in there" I say "that's what happens when you're in a dream scape time goes very slow" says Freya I just nod in response still not wanting to talk to her as she cost me the woman I love, I know my darling Davina would want me to forgive her as she is my sister but I just can't find it in me to do so, oh how I miss you my little witch.

The Mikaelsons have risen, what will happen next?

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